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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

“You need to eat more, Sister.”

Grace makes a strangled sound.

“I’m serious,” I say.

She’s too light in my arms. And while most men would’ve probably found that satisfying, for me, it just reinforces her frailty. Wolves are prized for strength and ferocity. Grace has fighting spirit, I’ll give her that. But her body is physically weak.

I’d hoped that treatment to pull out the silver would’ve had a better effect. But as Dr. Craigge explained via his extended update to me which I received on my phone, the silver had absorbed into her tissues and bones. She might need multiple treatments to draw it out. Given how painful that process was for there the first time, I wouldn’t be able to try that again any time soon, at least not until she gets through these new debilitating injuries.

Sonofabitch, I hate this.

How easily she could be hurt or taken from him.

That fall… it could’ve killed her.

The night he met her… those men could have killed her.

That asshole at his country club could have drowned her.

The electric bike could’ve run her down.

And… I curse again, just how many times did she face death while in prison?!?

Her face presses against me and she nestles closer as if seeking my warmth.

My wolf makes a low sound of approval. Theo is very drawn to this woman.

“I can’t remember the last time someone carried me. In my memory, when I was a child, Mom was the only one who ever did this for me.” Her voice is wistful. "My memories of those times are too vague.”

I make some soothing noise because I'm at a loss for what else to say.

"Jay, you're so nice," she murmurs.

I can guarantee if you were to poll my pack mates — or any of the wolves in this city— “nice” is probably the last word they would use to describe me.

“I'm very lucky to have a brother like you," she replied.

"Brother..." Here we go again with this game.

I carry Grace to the entry of the hotel and though there is a bench outside and chairs in the lobby, I keep her in my arms.

Lina's car appears not long after.

After the two of us get into the car, Lina launches into a tirade.

“Don’t you dare even interrupt me, Grace, because this shit has gone on long enough!”

With barely taking a second to draw a breath, Lina relays the events that had transpired today.

I feel the adrenaline coursing in my veins again. The urge to fight. I have rigid control but these situations continue to test my resolve. From the corner of my eye, I see Terrence pulling away. My entourage of my beta and other pack mates move into position surrounding Lina’s car.

I doubt she’d notice under normal circumstances and keyed up as she is now, she’s too distracted to notice much of anything.

"That Zoe went too far! Not only did she have the malicious intention of having the store attendant kick us out, but she also intentionally tripped Grace! Can you believe that!?! Grace could’ve been seriously injured. She could’ve died. This wasn’t just a minor fall. That bitch tripped her down an escalator!!!”

“Let it go,” Grace says tiredly.

“Are you insane? Grace, what part of ‘you-could-have-died’ did you not hear!?”

Lina slams on the brakes at an intersection and I throw out my arm to halt Grace’s forward momentum.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder to better support her and hold her in place. Seeing as how Lina is driving aggressively, no doubt a reflection of her mood, I make sure to hold Grace as still as I can so she isn’t jostled unnecessarily.

“It’s all because Zoe is a Stevens…” Lina seethes.

“What does that mean?” I ask carefully.


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