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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103

That night, Jason was awakened by Grace's muffled scream.

She tossed and turned and mumbled in her sleep.

He couldn’t make out what she was saying but her pained whimpers and trembling made him think she was in fear or pain.

“Sister," he called to her. But she didn’t respond.

When he touched her head, he frowned. Her head was hot, and her slight body was slicked with sweat.

Jason hurriedly wrung a towel soaked in cool water and wiped Grace's forehead.

But her eyes remained shut and she was still muttering something.

No matter how he called her, she wouldn’t wake up. A flash of panic crept over him. He didn’t know what to do—and he hated feeling inept. He hated it almost as much as realizing how worried he was about her. Which meant he was in way over his head.

No. This was just a reaction given her medical history and their circumstances.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

He took out his phone and immediately dialed Terrence. “Get me a doctor. And send them to the apartment.”

"Now?" Terrence asked.

"Yes, now," Jason ordered.

“Yes, sir.” There was a pause.

“What is it?” Jason asked irritably.

“What is the severity of the situation, sir? Should I instead call an ambulance?”

It was an intelligent question and it lessened Jason’s annoyance slightly. “No,” he said. “No ambulance.” Then: “I don’t think so.”

“I’m working on this now, sir.”

But where Jason normally would’ve hung up, he spared a second to offer some explanation because no doubt any doctor they called would want to know more details of the situation too. “She has a fever. It’s high.”

“I have a doctor on the other line,” Terrence said. “I’ll relay today’s events and the medical data from her earlier hospital visit.”

“Good.” Jason smoothed Grace’s brow and wrung out the washcloth to cool down her face and neck again.

“Do you want me to stay on the line, sir?”

Jason was too busy with Grace to realize he hadn’t hung up the phone. “No.”

“Ok, sir. See you soon.”

Terrence had noticed many changes in his boss in the time since Mr. Reed saved Miss Cummins. Mr. Reed was engaging in a way that belied Alpha Jason’s normal behavior. And given this woman’s background and what had transpired surrounding Mr. Reed’s fiancee’s death, it was rather incredible.

If asked to predict these events, Terrence would’ve said, ‘No. Not in a million years would Mr. Reed act like this.’

But here he was. In a shanty of an apartment, with a woman who’d killed his former lover.

And Jason wasn’t just here… he was present.

But that realization was one he would keep to himself. It was not his place to question or inform Mr. Reed of his emotional attachments—or lack thereof.

Terrence used the Reed Group name to enlist the services of one of the best physicians in the city. Then he woke the doctor up and collected him from his house.

Terrence was especially careful when knocking on the door. After all, his employer did not want Grace to discover his true identity.


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