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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25

On payday, I take Jay shopping to buy a cell phone.

"It's fine that I don't have a phone," Jay says. “Grace, you don’t need to get me one.”

"Nowadays, everyone has a phone. It will be more convenient for companies to contact you when you apply for jobs.” I grin and tease him. “Maybe you’ll want to follow Lina’s advice and go be an actor or model. Then agents and directors will have to call you.”

He snorts. “Wolves shouldn’t chase those things.”

Oh? This is news. He never talks about pack or which one he belonged to.

“Is that how your pack is? Are they from around here?”

He tenses.

“It’s okay,” I tell him. “You don’t have to talk about it.”

He gives the slighted nod.

“Let’s focus on a phone.”

His dark eyes cut to mine. “The one I don’t need.”

“It will be more convenient for us to inform each other if we would be home late. Or if one of us need help.”

“Fine. Let’s get the phone.”

We hit the store and sign in. It’s crowded and Jay seems uncomfortable about that. He stands away from the other shoppers. I guide him over to the wall of phones that I researched. There are different models, but I can only afford the older ones.

“They’re not as fancy as the newer ones,” I tell him, “but they still have wifi and most of the bells and whistles, so …” I blush. “When I can earn more money, I will..."

"This model is good.” He cuts me off. The he starts flipping through the various screens and he even tests the camera. He rattles off some information about its storage capabilities. He talks like he has knowledge in tech.

"Oh, Grace!” a voice sounds from behind us.

I lift me head and see Mia Jenkins and another woman walking toward us. They are out shopping too it seems, and each woman holds several bags.

Oh great.

It’s Mia and another high school classmate, Maria.

"What a coincidence seeing you here! Is this your boyfriend?" Mia asks as she sizes up Jay, who is standing beside me.

When Maria sees that I don’t respond, she says, "Hey, Mia, don't spout nonsense. I heard that Grace has a rich boyfriend. This guy doesn't dress like a rich guy. What a cheap set of clothes!”

Wow. That is horribly rude.

I glance nervously at Jay, but his expression is bland. Anyone watching would think he was oblivious to my classmate’s catty comments.

Maria raises her brows. "Oh! Are you feeling awkward? My bad. I forgot that your boyfriend already has a new girlfriend and they will be getting engaged soon. Over the past few days, it’s all the papers can seem to report about—the engagement between Sean and Lilly. They are well-matched in social and economic status! By the way, does your new boyfriend know that you're sweeping the streets?"

I am not sure what to say to that, so I keep my mouth closed.

“Why did you say that?" Mia comments.

Mia isn’t stupid. There are privacy laws and the gossiping she’s engaging in with Maria could get her tangled up at work. If I bothered to report it. If the higher-ups cared to write up her supervisor. If they wanted to take the word of an ex-con.

"What I've said is true. Didn't you say that she is currently working in the Sanitation Service Center?!" Maria says arrogantly.

I roll my eyes and focus on Mia. She should know better. At least about the confidentiality stuff. Maria’s a bitch. I’m impervious to her. But her cruelty toward Jay… Making fun of a man’s clothes… how petty is that?

“Oh Maria! You must be a reporter now. Look at you, digging up all these facts. Yes. I work at the Sanitation Center as Mia has told you.” I glance sharply at Mia. “Though to my knowledge there are privacy laws that prevent discussions of other personnel.” I glance back at Maria and shrug. “Sean is marrying someone else. Yes, that’s true. I wish him happiness. Nice seeing you both. Have a good night.”

I turn away from them and focus on Jay. "Which model do you prefer?"

"This one," he replies and points to the mid-priced one of the three I recommended.

“Great. Let’s go.”

I tell the cashier to ring it up and I pre-pay for three months’ service. I hope to have a credit card again by then so I can have a little wiggle room on payments and such.

Mia and Maria are standing nearby. Mia is shopping but Maria looks furious. Like she wanted me to just stand there and let her continue to insult us.

Maria’s face is reddening. Jay didn’t just dismiss her, he looked her up and down first so she’d know it wasn’t just her car or phone but her that he wasn’t interested in. "Do you know who I am? I can make you..."


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