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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86


Grace breathes a sigh of relief. "That's great. You've finally woken up."

Woken up? When had I fallen asleep?

One moment I’d been in Grace’s arms. Soaking up her strength and scent. The next, I must’ve drifted off to sleep. Then the memories had seized me.

Wait, no. That isn’t entirely right.

We’d chatted more after dinner. Then we’d each taken time to wash up and change for bed.

I’d sprawled on the pile of blankets on the floor beside her bed. Grace asked if she could hold my hand, and she’d inched down the mattress and let her arm hang off the side so she could.

A gesture that was not for her, I realize, but for me.

I rub my eyes, the events of the evening coming back in short order.

Dreaming of my mother.

Mother striking me.

The accident.

Nearly dying.

It’s a nightmare that’s been on repeat for most of my life. Only it’s not some make believe jumble of horrors that settles in when I sleep. These are my memories.

And they are toxic.

In my dream, I’d knelt down in front of the woman and begged her... Was it because I’d brought her up tonight when Grace inquired about my family.


I rake a hand through my chest only to see that my hole pajama top is gaping open.


I glance at Grace quizzically.

She blushes to the roots of her hair. “It’s uh, not what you think.”

“Why don’y you first tell me what I’m thinking?” I'm teasing, but her face just turns redder.

Grace isn’t exactly the type of woman to accost me while I’m asleep.

Hell, I can’t say I would complain if she did.

"Because... you were shouting that it hurts so much. And you were grabbing your chest. I was afraid that something was wrong... So, uh, I just went ahead and unbuttoned your shirt to check…”

“I see.”

“I should’ve buttoned you back up again but I didn’t want to risk waking you after you fell back to sleep peacefully.”

“Did I hurt you?”

She shakes her head. “No.”

Not this time.


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