Estelle's gaze sharpened as she questioned Ena, "Which floor is Lillian in charge of?"
"The forty-ninth," Ena replied.
The forty-ninth floor?
Estelle looked up at the towering skyscraper, focusing on the forty-ninth level, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully.
Back at the villa, Lambert was out.
After taking a shower and slipping into cozy loungewear, Estelle sat on the balcony, staring across at the neighboring high-rise.
What secrets did the forty-ninth floor hold?
If Lillian hadn't been used for experiments, why did she look that way?
Estelle closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting to a previous mission with Jonathan. They had seen a similar scene in a basement room, where people, drained and pale, were held for experimentation with some kind of virus the lab was researching.
A virus?
A sudden realization hit her, and her gaze once again snapped to the forty-ninth floor, turning icy with determination.
"Knock, knock, knock!"
Lambert entered, grinning, "Hi there!"
Estelle was direct, "Spit it out, what do you want?"
"Alvis has invited us over for lunch. Are you in?" Lambert asked.
Estelle nodded, "Give me a moment to change."
Surprised by her quick consent, Lambert raised an eyebrow, "You and Ms. Beverly getting along?"
"Decent enough," Estelle replied.
"Well, that's nice!" Lambert chuckled. "I'll wait for you downstairs."
Estelle changed into a casual white outfit and descended the stairs to find Lambert waiting. He looked up and complimented, "Looking stunning!"
The readers' comments on the novel: Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan)
Hey admin, why are there no updates on this novel? There has been no updates on this novel. I see so many of us have been waiting for more chapters …...
please please complete the novel!!! we are waiting desperately!!!!...
Updates please!...
Please please finish this Novel - amazing work!!! Please please update!!!...
Waiting for the updates, dear Admin...
When will you resume the updates please...
I miss reading the ongoing saga of Sophia and Jason…did she mention this to Estelle. Will Jonathan help Gabriel finish the assignment…does he want to return and possibly marry Sylvia? Please give us updates we’re missing our updates. Thank you....
I’m hoping all is well with you and your family. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from you. Please inform us why we’re not getting any updates....
When will you resume updates?...
Hope you and your family had wonderful holidays. We are so looking forward to you giving updates....