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Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan) novel Chapter 2013

"Where exactly?" Gab asked.

Estelle rummaged through her desk and pulled out a sheet of paper. She hastily sketched the topography of Tripe and then superimposed the constellation of the Big Dipper, aligning it with the corresponding locations. "It should be around these spots!" she said, her voice heavy with certainty.

The positions of two stars, Alkaid and Mizar, had shifted slightly, a detail whose significance was unclear.

Jonathan and Gab exchanged a glance, squinting slightly, their tone icy. "Triceratops, such grand ambitions!"

Seven cobalt bombs had been strategically placed around the borders of Citadel, the Mystoria Federation, and the remote region of Silver Valley, areas mostly uninhabited yet secretly harboring Triceratops's military bases.

Four bombs were placed to the northwest, and then the pattern shifted, with three more along the border with the Mystoria Federation.

Gab studied the locations of the four bombs, double-checking the local geography. His voice turned grave, "Triceratops isn't aiming at me."

"Hmm?" Estelle raised an eyebrow.

"Look at the positions of Alkaid and Mizar. If I'm not mistaken, the real target of their threat is the entire coastal line of C Country!"

Estelle's expression darkened. "How dare they? What's their endgame?"

"It's clear that Triceratops isn't acting alone. We all know who's backing them," Gab stated.

Gab was stationed in Silver Valley, at the northwest juncture between Tripe and C Country, guarding the C Country border. Yet, there were those still relentless in their efforts, using Triceratops to threaten C Country.

Estelle and Jonathan's expressions turned somber. Jonathan's voice was frosty as he spoke, "So the microwave weapons were a decoy. Bernard's real project was the cobalt bombs. Does Raiden know about this?"

If they were developing cobalt bombs at the twelfth floor underground, then Raiden would likely have objected to his and Lambert's descent.


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