The harrowing night had finally passed.
Exhausted, Estelle slumped into the remnants of an old couch. Sniper told her to take a breather, while Wolf, stripping off his own jacket, draped it over her and gently patted her head. Despite the crimson stains on his face, his grin was bright against the dim light.
"Get some shut-eye. We'll wake you when dawn breaks."
Estelle drifted into sleep swiftly, not sure for how long, until voices began to pull her from her slumber.
"Time to wake up!"
"We gotta move out!"
In the haze of her dreams, Estelle protested. "Don't leave!"
Her eyes flickered open to blurs of Wolf, Shadow, their silhouettes huddled around her, coaxing her awake.
"Snap out of it, we've got a new gig!"
"We need to hustle over there!"
"Stella, can you hack it?"
Estelle fought to clear the fog in her mind, but the world remained a blur. She could hear Wolf and the others calling out, their voices urging her on. With a forceful attempt, she finally broke through the haze, eyes wide open.
Lambert stared at her in shock.
Estelle's gaze shot up to the ceiling, whispering faintly, "Wolf."
"What?" Lambert leaned in closer. "What are you muttering about? Who shouldn't leave? Who's Wolf?"
The readers' comments on the novel: Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan)
Hey admin, why are there no updates on this novel? There has been no updates on this novel. I see so many of us have been waiting for more chapters …...
please please complete the novel!!! we are waiting desperately!!!!...
Updates please!...
Please please finish this Novel - amazing work!!! Please please update!!!...
Waiting for the updates, dear Admin...
When will you resume the updates please...
I miss reading the ongoing saga of Sophia and Jason…did she mention this to Estelle. Will Jonathan help Gabriel finish the assignment…does he want to return and possibly marry Sylvia? Please give us updates we’re missing our updates. Thank you....
I’m hoping all is well with you and your family. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from you. Please inform us why we’re not getting any updates....
When will you resume updates?...
Hope you and your family had wonderful holidays. We are so looking forward to you giving updates....