"Absolutely, owning up is no big deal!" Marina continued to pour herself another glass of wine. "Oh, and about that kiss from the first round I lost, don't take it to heart."
"I've said it before, if you ever need anything, I'm your guy," Carson replied with a smile, raising his glass to her.
But Marina suddenly frowned. "Why did you even open your mouth to kiss?"
Carson, caught off guard by her bluntness, nearly choked on his drink and coughed before replying, "You kissed me first. I just couldn't help myself. That's not on me!"
Marina eyed him skeptically. "You mean, that wasn't intentional?"
"Absolutely," Carson confessed. "My own fiancée comes at me with a kiss, and you expect me to play saint? No way!"
Marina looked at him, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance in her eyes.
Carson poured her another drink. "Come on, we're adults here. No need to be so uptight. Remember, I did you a favor. If I had pushed you away, playing Mr. Nice Guy, wouldn't you have lost face?"
Thinking it over, Marina had to admit he had a point.
Especially in front of Susanna. If Carson had rejected her, Susanna would've been way too pleased with herself!
"Let's drop it," Marina said after taking a sip of her wine, suddenly adding, "I'm kinda hungry!"
"Didn't eat dinner?" Carson asked.
"Just got caught up talking and didn't feel it until now," Marina said, heading to the kitchen and opening the fridge, "Let's see what we've got."
The fridge was bare except for some water and soda.
"What do you feel like eating? I'll call the kitchen staff," Carson offered, pulling out his phone to look up the number for the villa's service team.
Marina chuckled. "I'm craving some BBQ!"
"Marina!" Carson looked at her incredulously. "Where am I supposed to find BBQ at this hour?"
She laughed it off. "Just kidding. Anything's fine, as long as it fills me up."
The readers' comments on the novel: Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan)
Hey admin, why are there no updates on this novel? There has been no updates on this novel. I see so many of us have been waiting for more chapters …...
please please complete the novel!!! we are waiting desperately!!!!...
Updates please!...
Please please finish this Novel - amazing work!!! Please please update!!!...
Waiting for the updates, dear Admin...
When will you resume the updates please...
I miss reading the ongoing saga of Sophia and Jason…did she mention this to Estelle. Will Jonathan help Gabriel finish the assignment…does he want to return and possibly marry Sylvia? Please give us updates we’re missing our updates. Thank you....
I’m hoping all is well with you and your family. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from you. Please inform us why we’re not getting any updates....
When will you resume updates?...
Hope you and your family had wonderful holidays. We are so looking forward to you giving updates....