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Finding Love in the Boss’s Embrace After Divorce novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The Villains Complain 


“Is the job… related to the law?” Evelyn’s gaze fixated on Huston’s face, her eyes filled with anticipation. 

Something stirred within Huston, causing his previously calm heart to flutter. At that moment, he didn’t want to reveal the answer so easily. “Do you want to know?” 

Evelyn nodded eagerly, “Yes!” 

“Then come sit here,” Huston patted his lap. 

Evelyn froze at his suggestion, and she averted her gaze awkwardly. “Um… It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it…” 

A faint smile formed on Huston’s lips, ‘Very well, this is the reaction I wanted.’ 

He gave Evelyn a meaningful look before turning and heading upstairs. 

Later that evening, Evelyn downloaded a resume template. Carefully filling it out, she sent the completed resume and the video she had recorded the day before to Huston. 

The prospect of work brought a glimmer of joy to her otherwise gloomy days. However, the bliss was short-lived as a phone call 

came in. 

Glancing at the caller ID Evelyn took a deep breath to compose 

To her surprise, Lucy Jones, her mother, sounded far from relaxed. Her voice held a stern tone as she asked, “Evelyn, where are you right now? Jerry just told me that you haven’t been 

home for several days. What’s going on?” 

Evelyn didn’t expect that Jerry, who had cheated on her first, would have the audacity to complain to her mother. A chill ran down her spine. Jerry was certain that she wouldn’t reveal the truth to Lucy. 

It had to be acknowledged that after spending so many years with Jerry, even if he didn’t truly love her, he knew her well. 

“Mom, it’s okay. Don’t worry. We will have things settled between us.” 

“Just tell me, what is the matter? Evelyn, it is normal for couples to argue now and then, but you should not hold grudges. How can you avoid going home? Even if Jerry wants to make peace with you, he can’t if you keep this up!” 

Listening to her mother’s words, Evelyn couldn’t blame her because Lucy didn’t know the truth. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of grievance. “Mom, please don’t worry about us. is more important for you and Dad to take care of yourselves.” 

“Go back home! Don’t stay out alone. You are married. If your husband’s family finds out, they will hold it against you.” Lucy tried her best to persuade Evelyn. 

Evelyn felt even more frustrated. Every time something went wrong, her family always put themselves in someone else’s shoes, but Jerry’s family saw their compromise as weakness. 


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