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Finding Love in the Boss’s Embrace After Divorce novel Chapter 6


Chapter 6 Caught in Action 

Evelyn had reached her breaking point, but the man didn’t even care

You won’t let me go, will you?she asked in a trembling voice

He was silent for a moment. You came to me first.” 

She was the one who approached him in that club and spent the night with him

Unpleasant memories from the past had caused him to lose interest in a sexual partner. But at only 32 years old, Huston realized that he still desired someone who could fulfill his needs

Evelyn, meanwhile, was filled with regret. If she had known Huston’s true identity, she would’ve never approached him! 

But there was no changing the past

Huston’s gaze shifted to the woman crouching on the ground. He finally slid his arms under hers, lifted her up, and gently placed her on the bed, covering her with a blanket

Rest. Then clean yourself up. I’ll be back soon.” 

Anger/surged within Evelyn as she watched him walk away. She seized his sleeve and spoke with audacity, If I pay you with my bodywill you help me seek revenge against the Graves?” 

Huston’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He hadn’t anticipated her change of heart. Yes.” 

ThenI have another request,” Evelyn said, summoning her courage. I’m only 24 years old, and I graduated from the University of Toronto Law School. I have all the knowledge and qualifications. Can you help me become a real lawyer?” 

He was taken aback. He had expected her to ask for anything else, but not this. He had no idea she was so welleducated

You went to school to be a lawyer?” 


Then why did you give it up?” 

Evelyn’s eyes darkened. BecauseI got married.” 

Back then, Nora insisted that Evelyn get married right after graduation because she wanted Evelyn to be a housewife. Evelyn, deeply in love with Jerry, agreed to everything. But her passion for the law remained

If she had to sleep with the jerk before her, she was getting as much benefit as possible. After all, she needed to secure her livelihood after the divorce, and her parents depended on her as well

He remained silent. He lit a cigarette and looked at Evelyn through the smoke, making her anxious

When the cigarette was halfburnt, Huston finally came closer to the bed, peering down at her. He exhaled a smoke ring. Evelyn squinted and coughed

Pack a bag and come to Royal Villa at eight o’clock tonight.” 

Evelyn waved away the smoke, while Huston had already turned and left


Leaving HM Law Office, she received a call from Grace. Evelyn mentioned that Huston had taken the case, but she didn’t provide the details

Huston?!Grace’s voice rose in disbelief. Are you serious?!” 

Yeah. Why?” 

He’s the most powerful lawyer in the world, that’s why! So many big shots try to seek his help, but it’s all about luck when it comes to him. Are you sure he’s gonna take your case?” 

WellHe said he’d handle it,Evelyn avoided talking about her complicated relationship with Huston

AlrightThen you have nothing to worry about. You can’t lose a lawsuit with Huston Lloyd on your side!” 

Evelyn frowned. Really?” 

Of course! You graduated from law school, so you should know that the most formidable people are not those with money or power, but those who wield the law as their weapon. And to Huston, Lloyd, the law is like his sword! He can easily use it to his advantage.” 

Evelyn was stunned. After ending the call, she Googled Huston’s info while waiting at the bus station

Apparently, Huston attended the best schools growing up. At 22, he finished his studies at the University of Cambridge Law School. Returning to the States, he won numerous significant cases and earned a prominent reputation

He was also a guest professor at a prestigious local university while serving as the lawyer of a Fortune 500 company

Later, Huston cofounded HM Law Office with Matt Harrison, establishing it as one of the most renowned law firms in the country

She was impressed, but she couldn’t find much info regarding Huston’s family background and personal life

Still, she now had a whole new awareness of what an elite she messed with, and prayed that the days ahead would not be too difficult


Though reluctant to go back to Hill Villa, Evelyn had to retrieve some important documents

Walking toward the gate, a black MercedesBenz caught her attention. One of Jerry’s cars

She wanted to walk past it as quickly as she could, but the car suddenly started to move back and forthlike someone was busy 


In broad daylight! And right next to the villa


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