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Flash Marriage: He Made My Jaw Drop novel Chapter 14

Flash Marriage He Made My Jaw Drop

Chapter 14 

Vivienne went to the supermarket downstairs to buy groceries

Damien had been delayed for a day, and the assistant called him a few times, and there were several documents that he needed to review and approve

So Damien went to study to get busy with business and called several senior executives for a video conference

It was an hour after Damien finished his work, when he walked out of the study, two homecooked dishes were placed on the dining table, and Vivienne was still busy in the kitchen

Looking at Vivienne’s busy figure and the steaming meals, Damien felt that life was a little more real for him

In fact, the life of an ordinary couple was like this. They both had their own jobs to do, but after work, they shared meals together

Work finished?Vivienne came out with a bowl of soup and said with a smile, “It’s ready to eat. You must be hungry.” 

Vivienne just came back from shopping and heard Damien having a video conference in the study, so she didn’t bother him

It must be very busy in such a listed company. He had been with her all day today. Thinking of this, she felt a little bit sorry

Vivienne served the meal, and the two sat down to eat

Damien looked at the dishes on the table, and said, You are good at cooking.” 


You must be busy at work. I will cook the meals at home in the future. Do you need me to prepare a lunch box for you? I will prepare it m in the morning, so you can take them to the company.Vivienne said, I see that many people bring their own meals to work, it’s nutritious and economical.” 

Damien didn’t want Vivienne to get up so early in the morning, and said, “No, the company has a cafeteria, so we don’t spend money on meals.” 

Okay.” Vivienne nodded, took out the bank card that Damien gave her before, and said, Here. You can keep your money yourself.” 

In front of Mrs. Quinn, Vivienne didn’t want to reject Damien’s kindness, so she accepted it temporarily

The money here was all saved by Damien. They had only known each other for a short time, so she really dared not take it

Damien didn’t expect Vivienne to return it to him, and said, This is a family fund. Running a home needs lots of money. You just bought a car, so you probably don’t have much money on you. Groceries, daily necessities, they all cost money, and every months salary will be charged to this card.” 

Vivienne really didn’t have much money, but she didn’t have the habit of spending money on men either

Then I will keep accounts every day. I have downloaded this kind of app. It is also clear where every money is used. We have agreed on the AA. So I will pay half of the monthly expenses.Vivienne also had her own principles, living under the AA system, which was agreed upon before

Damien gave in and said, It’s all up to you.” 

Only the AA system could save Vivienne from such a big 

Chapter 14 

psychological burden

Vivienne felt at ease, Then it’s decided like this. By the way, how much is the monthly rent here?” 

Damien was actually not very clear. According to the market, the approximate quotation was, 4,600 a month.” 

A house with three bedrooms and two living rooms cost more than 4,000 a month in Washington DC, which was really not expensive

Vivienne nodded, Then I will pay 1,000 for the rent.” 

She couldn’t afford half of the rent per month. It seemed that she had to find a way to increase her income

Damien frowned and looked at Vivienne, Vivienne, I married a wife not to share the pressure, with me, so I hope that after you marry me, it won’t increase your financial pressure. I earn more than you, so I can pay the rent. You don’t have to worry about it.” 

This time, Damien didn’t regress. If she shared the rent and the living expenses, she wouldn’t have any money left

Damien’s tone was tough, Vivienne wanted to say something more, but he said, Vivienne, marriage needs to be managed, not do the maths. There will be no fair boundary for the division of responsibilities. This is like when you are pregnant in the future, I can’t share half of the hard work of your pregnancy.” 


This was the second time Vivienne heard this today, and she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart

Then, okay.” Vivienne noticed that Damien was angry, and said nothing more, Let’s eat.” 

Vivienne’s cooking was not as good as the chef’s, but it was still good. Damien ate a lot, and the two of them ate up both dishes

Staring at the empty plate, Vivienne muttered, I need to cook more next time.” 

Damien stood up to clean up the table

Vivienne said, I’ll do it.” 

I’ll do it.Damien held the plates and said, It’s you who insist on the AA system, so you cook, I wash the dishes, it’s reasonable.” 


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