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Fled With CEO's Twin Babies novel (Mia and Joe) novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 I Am Pregnant 

Hadn’t Mia gone abroad? How could she appear here? 

She subconsciously grabbed Joe by the arm, and the two were tightly pressed together. 

Mia looked at the two of them, nestled close together, a glimmer in her eye but with little visible sadness. 

Her feelings for Joe had been worn away over the years, and now, even if she wished them a lifetime of happiness, it would not stir her heart. 

She conjured a standard polite smile, “Miss Swan, it’s been a while.” 

Wendy saw her smile as a challenge, especially after all these years of Sir Smith’s overt and covert disdain. And now, Mia was standing next to him! 

“Indeed, it’s been a long time. I remember you went abroad, didn’t you? Why have you suddenly come back? Could it be…” Her smile was sweet as she leaned on Joe’s arm, “If you have any trouble, I can ask Joe to help you.” 

Mia sneered. Although she no longer cared about Joe, it did not mean that she could allow Wendy to be so arrogant in front of her. 

Mia scoffed, “Is that so? Mrs. Smith indeed has a generous 


Sure enough, before her words had even landed, Sir Smith snorted distantly, “She’s not Mrs. Smith, and our Smith family’s door isn’t open to just anyone.”- 

At these words, the surrounding crowd erupted in whispers. 

Mia had just learned from Sir Smith’s words that Wendy and Joe were not yet married for some reason, and she knew that Sir Smith would not publicly acknowledge Wendy as his granddaughter-in-law. 

Wendy’s face turned pale as she looked at Joe. 

Joe tiredly pinched the bridge of his nose; his grandfather’s prejudice against Wendy had always been strong, and he was not willing to openly oppose his grandfather. He could only soothingly pat Wendy’s arm. 

Normally, Wendy might have let it go, but now Mia was standing beside Sir Smith! 


Perhaps even Joe himself hadn’t noticed, but his gaze always seemed to fall unintentionally on that woman! 

She couldn’t accept it! 

For years, she’d done everything to please Sir Smith, but he 

never accepted her! And now Mia had returned….. 

Her mind in turmoil, she blurted out, “Sir Smith! Even if you don’t accept me, are you going to reject the child in my womb too?” 

Mia immediately looked at Wendy’s abdomen. 

Joe also frowned, looking at Wendy, “Are you pregnant?” 

Wendy shyly lowered her head, “Two months ago, in Harlow, you were drunk…” 

Two months prior, Joe had gone to Harlow on business, and Wendy had followed him. One night Joe got drunk and woke up to find Wendy lying beside him. 


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