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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 

On Monday, Flora headed off to school

As she stood at the gates of Westbrook High School, Flora’s emotions were a mix of anticipation and resolve

In her past life, she’d devoted herself entirely to Aaron, neglecting her studies, until Raul paid a hefty sum to secure her a spot in a secondtier college

But this time, she was determined to get into a top university

Taking a deep breath, Flora walked in with determination in her step, drawing attention from everyone around her

Flora was strikingly goodlooking. Her clothes hung on her frame, accentuating her figure even further

Her skin was glowing under the sunlight, and her eyes sparkled like galaxies. Depending on her expression, she could look enchanting or somewhat Tierce

Wow, when did such a hottie enroll in our school?” 

Ah, she’s gorgeous, I’m totally smitten! Is she a new transfer student? I need her number in like three minutes!” 

Looks like Carina’s reign as the campus queen might be coming to an end.” 

Students discreetly took photos and shared them on the school forum

Wait, doesn’t the beauty look a lot like that weirdo Flora?” 

Are you kidding? How could she look anything like that freak? Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Flors around these past few days, and honestly, my mood’s been better for it.” 

That girl’s always dressed like she’s out of a horror movie. I bumped into her on the field once and had nightmares for days. Sympathetic glances were thrown her way. Not only is she ugly, but she’s also dumb as a rock. Her poor grades are dragging down Westbrook High’s college admission rates. Now everyone knows about Flora, the ugly girl, making our school the laughingstock.” As Flora walked, she found the gossip rather amusing. She hadn’t realized she had such an impact

She made her way to Class Z. Before class started, the room was filled with noise, which quieted down as Flora entered

Flora was bathed in the warm sunlight. Her skin and the simple clothes she wore seemed to radiate with allure 

A wave of admiration swept through the crowd, especially among the boys, who were practically drooling over her 

Excited whistles 

ps filled the ofr 

Holy crap, isn’t that the hottie from the forum? She looks even better in person!” 

Could she be a new student in our class?” 

Flora, ignoring the stares, walked confidently to the last row by the wall and took a seat

You you shouldn’t sit there. That spot is cursed!The boy in front of her turned around to caution her

Cursed?Flora looked at hi 

The boy, named Dane, had previously shown nothing but disdain for her

Faced with Flora’s clear gaze, Dane blushed

*That’s where a girl named Flora used to sit. She was absolutely disgusting,he said with a look of disgust. But don’t worry, she got into trouble last week for hitting a teacher and is surely going to be expelled!” 


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