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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

She approached, Are you feeling all better now? Why not just have breakfast in your mom?” 

*Tm mostly recovered,” Connor replied to one question and then the other, Just waiting for you” 

He couldn’t just spend every day in bed talking to her 

He had just fallen down the stairs, his body riddled with fractures, unable to get up, but now he was much better

Then, when the family doctor arrives, I’ll have him give you a checkup, Flora said, womed he was pushing himself too hard. After all, falling from the fifth floor, even with a lawn to cushion the fall, would be quite an ordeal for anyone

Connor responded with a nonchalant Mmm” 

Let’s have breakfast first” 

Flora loved a lavish breakfast, eggs Benedict and such, all freshly made in the kitchen on Connor’s instructions, very fresh and delicious 

After breakfast, the family doctor arrived, and Flora accompanied Connor for his checkup

Connor had injuries all over his body, necessitating the removal of his clothes, so Flora had to wait outside. She peeked through the door crack. This man would be hers to care for soon, so why should she step out now

What are you doing!” 

Beck brought the medicine over and saw Flora peeking through the door crack. Beck’s eyes widened, and he walked over and closed the halfopen door

This girl had no shame! She’s peeking at Mr. Connor during his examination 

And Mr. Connor was down to his underwear 

Beck didn’t rush to deliver the medicine anymore instead he stood in front of Flora like a guardian deity. He had to protect Connor’s honor

Flora’s lips twitched in annoyance, too lazy to bother with this fool 

Ten minutes later, the check up was done Flora and Beck went in 

Connor was leisurely buttoning up his shirt, a glimpse of his collarbone visible, his tanned skin stretched over an eight pack and perfect Adonis belt

be like a pervert

Stop! Flora, you can’t be like a pervert 

Connor caught her expression and chuckled Have you had your fill of staring?” 

Al?Flora was stunned for a moment, then realized what Connor was refering to. He had noticed her peeking 

She honestly answered, No” 

She hadn’t even gotten a good look before Beck had blocked her thoroughly 

Beck was annoyed, thinking thathis girl truly had no shame. He had to wam McConnor about her 

Connor, with a lazy demeanor, said, Well, whenever you want to have a look, fil let you see enough 

Flora blushed, but boldly responded

Mmm, Mr. Connor is recovering very well,the doctor said after examining Connors condition. Just needs to go out more, and get some sunlight help the bones heal better” 

And you knowyou are what you eat is quite true. Mr. Connor should drink more bone broth” 

Hearing bone broth Connor frowned. He hated drinking such greasy stuff

The doctor knew Connor’s temperament, so he addressed Flora. She could persuade Connor

“Bone broth. I’ll remember that Flora nodded, Ill bring it over every day.” 

Beck genuinely considered Connor’s preferences, Isn’t there anything else that could be nounshing? Mr. Connor dislikes bone broth 


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