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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263 

Flora made sure her seatbelt was securely fastened

Jack leaned out of his car window, casting a disdainful smile when he spotted their Land Rover. He thought to himself, With that kind of car, they think they can beat me?” 

Everyone ready?Tomas asked, following the usual prerace routine

Jack gripped the steering wheel tightly and yelled, Ready!” 

Flora lazily stretched her hand out of the window and flashed a laidback peace sign

At Tomas’s whistle, Jack’s car surged forward, quickly disappearing into the winding mountain roads. Connor started his car at a leisurely pace, following behind

Dane looked anxious. Jack had been racing since he was a kid, and he was driving a professional sports car. Dane didn’t expect Connor to win; he just hoped they wouldn’t get into any trouble

Dane, you think Flora will be alright?Alex asked shakily, feeling weak at the sight of the mountain roads

Don’t jinx this!Dane snapped, clenching his hands tightly by his sides. Do you know who Flora is? Nothing’s going to happen to her.” 

Tomas, engrossed in a mobile game, perked up at the mention of Flora.‘ 

Distracted, he missed a beat in the game, resulting in his screen turning grey. What did you say that girl’s name was? Flora?He immediately pocketed his phone and turned to ask Dane and Alex with urgency

Dane, puzzled by Tomas’s sudden intensity, simply responded, Yeah.” 

Tomas froze, his voice tightening. Flora from Westbrook High School’s senior class?” 

Dane found Tomas’s reaction strange but nodded anyway. Then, he watched as Tomas’s complexion went pale, a look of utter dismay on his face. Good heavens, it’s that legend!” 

Baker had long since notified all the brothers in Cedarvale to steer clear of Flora and show her respect

*Come on, let’s catch up to them!Tomas hurriedly got into his car and floored the gas pedal, speeding off

He inwardly lamented, hoping nothing would happen to Flora, or Baker would have his head

We should follow too!Noticing Tomas’s grave expression, Dane grew anxious. He got into the car, urged the driver out, and took the wheel himself

Kaylee and Alex, without hesitation, buckled up in the backseat, holding on tight

In the middle of the mountains, Jack glanced at the rearview mirror to find the road behind him completely empty, not even a sign of 

Connor’s car

He smirked, deliberately slowing down, yet they still couldn’t catch up

They think they can race me. Yeah right.” He resolved to make Connor bow down to him later, ready to thoroughly humiliate him

Meanwhile, Connor was driving at a leisurely pace. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other propped against the window, supporting his head, he seemed utterly carefree

When he glanced at Flora, he noticed she had neatly folded her chip bag and tossed it in the trash can, now wiping her hands with a napkin


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