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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 304

Chapter 304 

Chapter 304 

Time and time again, he hit the ground, only to get back up

If it weren’t for Flora’s medicine, he’d have run out of steam long ago

By the end of the day, Lance was covered in bruises and cuts, his body a roadmap of pain

There were moments when even Freddy hesitated, reluctant to hit him again. But he was there to do a job, and Flora hadn’t called time yet, so he had to keep going

Despite the agony, there were gains

From barely managing to survive a single move, Lance could now go toetotoe with Freddy for two rounds

That’s it for today; we’ll pick up tomorrow

As the clock struck five, Flora stood up, tucked her phone into her bag, and said it with the nonchalance of someone used to giving orders

Colton rushed to the ring to help Lance up, noticing the welts and bruises. marring his skin. His fingers turned white as he gripped Lance’s shoulder, a flash of concern crossing his face

The next day, Lance still took a beating, but it wasn’t just oneway traffic 


anymore. He was starting to fight back while defending himself

By the end of the session, he’d managed to land five hits on Freddy

Seeing his progress, Lance was ecstatic, feeling a boundless energy surging through him

On the third day, he got in eight hits, and his defenses were rock solid. Freddy had to crank up his effort to sixty percent just to land a blow

Fourth day… 

Fifth day… 

Tenth day… 


Chapter 304 

Lance clenched his fists, eyes narrowing as Freddy charged at him

From barely perceiving Freddy’s moves, now Freddy’s actions seemed almost slow to him

The punch sliced through the air, carrying a force that seemed to rip the atmosphere apart

Lance pushed off the ground, soaring to an incredible height, spinning perfectly midair, and landed a powerful kick on Freddy’s back

The impact sent Freddy flying forward

He was about to tumble out of the ring

Freddy felt his feet slipping off the edge, breaking into a cold sweat

Just two more inches, and he’d have fallen off

In only ten days, Lance’s progress was staggering

Freddy had to stay on his toes, no room for complacency


Lance was on fire, his whole being radiating energy. He felt a powerful force trapped inside him, eager to be unleashed

The more he fought, the stronger he felt, his attacks growing even fiercer

Freddy couldn’t keep up anymore

Stop, stop, give it a rest. We’ve been at it all morning, and you’re still going like a man possessed. Don’t you ever get tired?” 


Freddy, utterly spent, plopped down on the ring, his voice hoarse from thirst

Lance, a bit sheepish, scratched his head. Ms. Flora’s medicine really was something elseit made him feel like he could go on forever… 

Ms Flora’s concoctions/were the most potent he’d ever had. Every dose filled him with endless energy, numbing the pain completely

That’s how he managed to push his limits over and over again

His rapid improvement wasn’t just his effort; Flora’s contributions were 


We’ve trained enough for the morning; let’s grab some lunch and pick up 


Flora stood up, carrying two bottles of water to the ring, handing one to each

of them

Freddy and Lance chugged their bottles in one go

Thanks, Ms. Flora!” 

Lance wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes shining like stars

In just ten days, Lance was a different man, his voice brimming with confidence, his eyes sparkling with determination. He had a newfound toughness, but his smile was still as innocent as ever

Flora headed back to the manor for her meal while Colton took Lance to the 

main dining hall

The hall was packed, and the sight of Colton and Lance immediately drew 


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