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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Dane suddenly lifted his head, his bloodred eyes staring 

staring at Hans. Do you really have to take things this for?” 

Oh, got angry, did you?” 

Hans laughed, and his iron rod, originally resting on Dane’s shoulder, suddenly awung down hard towards it

Dane winced in pain, a muffled grunt escaping him as his body was forced to bend. A pair of fiery red eyes glared deathly at Hans. He knew Hans wouldn’t let him off easily

Dane felt that instead of enduring further torment from Hans, it would be better to make a desperate attempt

As the iron rod came down again, a cold glint flashed through Dane’s eyes. He suddenly raised his hand, catching the iron rod 

Hans hadn’t expected him to fight back, so he was completely caught off guard and shocked for a moment

Seizing the opportunity, Dane wrestled the iron rod from Hanshands and swung it towards his head

Dane had had enough

Since being docile doesn’t stop Hans from messing with you, he’d rebel

Screw Hans!. 

Hans was startled, quickly trying to dodge to the side, but was still a bit too slow

The iron rod struck his shoulder sending a wave of intense pain. Hansface contorted, his eyes filled with fury

What did you just do!” 

Hans, after all, had been toughened by the real world. Both in the force of his blows and in ruthlessness, he far outmatched Dane

In just a few moves, Dane was beaten to the ground

Hans stepped on his chest. Trying to be tough with me, huh?” He snarled, his brows menacingly furrowed, Alright then, III show you tough” 

ཇརྨ ཚབ རྞ ༈ 

He drew a knife from his coat, Today III cripple one of your hands to teach you a lesson.” 

Let go of my son! Let go of my son!” 

Marian screamed and rushed forward, hitting and biting at Hans with all her might

At that moment, she knew no fear All she knew was that she couldn’t let her son be harmed

Hans, annoyed, pushed her away. Marian’s back hit a fallen table hard, her face turning pale with pain instantly 

Ashton also charged forward, but what match were these two elders for Hans. Instead, they ended up getting hurt themselves

Dane was furious. Mom! Dad!” 

You scum! Let go of my son! Let go of my son!” 

Ashton and Marian roared, disregarding their pain and charging again, but Hans was irritated

1 fools 

How them outHe ordered his minions

Upon the command, two of them carried the couple and threw them outside

Ashton landed hard on the ground, in agony 

The minions then threw Marian out, but just as she was about to hit the ground, a figure flashed by catching her with precision

Flora, supporting Marian, looked around the wrecked room, her eyes growing colder


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