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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Connor didn’t say a word. He didn’t even glance at Wade but instead took a big step and walked into the room. Flora and Ray als walked in without looking sideways

Wade, having been blatantly ignored repeatedly, had eyes smoldering with anger

He could accpt Conner’s disdain, but Ray was an outcast. What gave him the right to look down on them too

In a fit of rage, Ware let loose without restraint. Harsh words followed one after another 

Wade, do you think Mr. Connor is too easygoing?Those lowly remarks made Moss and Beck’s face tum sour

Wade should feel lucky he’s from the Brimer family, as those words alone could have cost him dearly

WadeYvonne tugged at Wade’s sleeve, showing a timid look unlike her usual bratty self

They knew Connor wasn’t easygoing: Wade had nearly been crippled by him before

Mosswords were like a bucket of cold water, cooling Wade down completely, even making him a bit scared. He stiffened his face and fell silent 

aling Aisha 

Inside the room, Flora was still treating 

Ray, with a heart full of unease, stood by, waiting. After a while, he couldn’t help but ask, Séraphine, how is she really?” 

There’s no major issue. RelaxFlora spoke lightly. Ill give you an address later. Just send what I asked you to buy there, and il come back the day after tomorrow to check on her. Now, I need to leave.” 

Séraphine, I have everything here. Whatever you need, I can have someone fetch it immediately. Can you please stay for a bit longer?” 

Ray was still womed. Aisha was not yet awake. If Flora left and something unexpected happened, what then

Are you trying to keep me here?Flora, helping Aisha to lie back down, replied indifferently upon hearing Ray’s words

You’re overthinking it. I didn’t mean that. It’s just, with you here, in case of any emergency-” 

As long as you keep those people outside from causing any trouble, there won’t be any emergencies. Flora interrupted him sharply

Ray couldn’t help but frown. Why was this person so sarcastic with him, yet seemed quite amiable with Connor

Ray was indecisive, worried about offending Séraphine yet also reluctant to let her leave

Aisha hasn’t woken up yet. Maybe you could leave after she wakes?” 

If you didn’t trust me, you shouldn’t have asked me to come here in the first place.” 

Ray fall silent. Had he offended Connor somehow? Why did it seem like she had a grudge against him

He looked at Connor, signaling him to say something 

Connor glanced at Flora and said to him, You stay here and take care of Aisha. Il take Séraphine home.” 

It’s okay, I can go back on my own.” 

Flora’s heart skipped a beat. Why 

did Connor want to take her back? Was it because she had shown a flaw

It’s getting late, and it’s hard to get a cab here. Let me drive you.” 

Connor was insistent, and after a moment’s hesitation, Flora agreed. She had her secrets to keep and didn’t want to react too obviously. afraid Connor might notice something off

When Flora obediently followed Connor out, Ray was even more puzzled. Why 

y was she so nice to Connor, yet so mean to him

In the car, Flora casually gave an address, keeping her eyes forward, not speaking

Connor, a man of few words himself, naturally didn’t initiate conversation

The ride was unusually quiet

Well, just stop here, please. I can walk the rest of the way” 

Here?Connor looked at her through the rearview mirror, quessing she didn’t want to reveal where she was going. He didn’t say anything more and pulled over 

Flora got out of the back seat. Thank you.” 

You’re welcome. You went to the Brimer family to heal Alsha. It’s only right for me to take you 


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