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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 550

Connor's intense gaze cut through the room, and Flora, feeling the heat, glanced over and locked eyes with him. The moment she saw him, a smile broke out on her usually composed face, and she walked over to him with purpose.

Connor, seeing her heading straight for him, felt the tension in his body ease a bit at her smile, although the jealousy still smoldered inside him. When Flora was about six feet away, Connor swiftly closed the gap, wrapping his arm around her waist like a claim before planting a firm kiss on her lips.

The kiss was intense and commanding, lasting a solid half-minute before Connor finally pulled back. Flora, catching her breath, looked at him with confused, misty eyes.

What’s up with Connor today? Something felt off. Usually, he's so restrained, rarely showing affection in public, and only giving in to her advances when he couldn’t resist any longer.

Feeling her eyes on him, Connor looked down to meet her gaze. His eyes were slightly reddened, giving him a vulnerable look. His grip on her waist tightened, and his breathing grew heavy. When he glanced at Shawn, there was a clear wariness in his eyes.

It suddenly clicked for Flora, and she couldn't help but chuckle. Was Connor seriously jealous because he saw her with Shawn? It was totally something Connor would do.

Just then, Shawn walked over, and Flora immediately sensed Connor’s breathing get heavier, the darkness in his eyes deepening.


Flora was both amused and exasperated.

Shawn stopped in front of them, giving Connor a curious glance and asked, "Flora, who's this?"

Without missing a beat, she introduced them, "Shawn, this is my fiancé, Connor."


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