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Forgive My Ex-husband novel Chapter 80

Jonas wasn’t too drunk to completely pass out. All he took was a short nap. Then he went to take a shower so he could be himself again.

His mind kept coming back to his impromptu love confession back at the police station, and he couldn’t help but laugh at his own awkwardness. Before his grandfather could send for him, Jonas sauntered into the older man’s study.

"You idiot grandson!" His grandfather held nothing back, and showed just how upset he was. "How much stupider are you willing to become, just to cater to the whims of that girl, Emily?"

Nonetheless, Nelson found consolation in his grandson’s apparent obedience and his submission to a good scolding. He even took it upon himself to come here on his own, and was now sitting quietly as he listened to his grandfather’s tirade.

Nelson’s anger eased, and his tone softened a little. This was his darling grandson, after all, no matter what an idiot he may be. He’d watched him grow up into a man; he didn’t have the heart to be truly cruel to him.

"Grandpa," Jonas said when Nelson was finally done. "I’ve already explained to Melinda. It was all just a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding you say?" Nelson was a little doubtful, not about the whole fiasco being a mistake, but more about Jonas claiming to have bothered to explain himself to anyone.

"Yes," Jonas said earnestly. "I talked to Melinda and laid it out properly, but I don’t think she believed me. She was being rather cross and would cut me off several times while I talked."

"Ha! Serves you right." In spite of his words, Nelson was beaming at his grandson. It may not be too obvious to either youngster, but their relationship had vastly improved with this development. If it were up to him, he would have preferred that Melinda torture her idiot husband even further.

Jonas scratched his chin. He was slightly annoyed as he recalled what happened hours ago, but one thought stood out: his wife had come running the moment she heard something had happened to him. He was pleased with this.

"To think that she would brush off my confession just like that." He was murmuring to himself, but Nelson was quick to catch his words.

"What did you just say?" he blurted out, leaning forward on his huge desk in his excitement. "You confessed to Melinda? A love confession?"

He had always hoped for this, after all. Deep down he had his suspicions that Jonas might have been growing fonder of Melinda, but then something would always happen that alluded to opposite being true.

Although he remained hopeful, Nelson had grown wary of the possibilities, and had resolved not too expect too much too soon. Even now he had his doubts.

Jonas had a vague idea of what was going on in his grandfather’s mind. He gave the older man a gentle smile. "Listen, Grandpa. I’m in love with Melinda. I will work hard from now on to be the man she deserves."

He had a solemn air about him as he spoke. He swallowed several times after that, as if it took a great deal out of him to say those words out loud.

Nelson realized that his grandson was telling the truth, and he promptly teared up. He had waited so long for this day to come. "Oh, finally! You finally figured it out."

Jonas never thought his grandfather to be one for theatrics, but he now he was seeing the old man raise both hands and look to the ceiling as he exclaimed his joy. His mood lightened at that.

But then the old man’s face suddenly grew stern, and his tone became firm. "Now cut off all your ties with that Emily girl and make sure to beg for your wife’s forgiveness! You have to attend to Melinda hand and foot, do you understand?"

He was all too aware of what a thorn Emily was to his grandson’s marriage. Whether they were romantically involved or not, he knew that Emily would keep at her efforts to destroy what Jonas and Melinda had.

He refused to overlook everything that evil girl had done in the past. He would stand his ground on this matter; it would be in the best interest of the young couple to nip it in the bud and get rid of Emily.

Jonas had to laugh at his grandfather’s earnest outburst. "Don’t worry Grandpa, I know what to do. I already have it all planned out." And he meant it.

He had also come to realize the extent with which he failed his wife and their marriage, all because of Emily’s whims. He would never make the same mistakes in the future. Melinda deserved a devoted husband who put her above all else, and Jonas was determined to become that man.

Grandfather and grandson had a long talk after that, both men expressing their thoughts and their shared fondness of Melinda. They managed to unravel and smooth out several years’ worth of misunderstandings and ill feelings.

Nelson was smiling the entire time. They only ended their heartfelt conversation when Gavin knocked on the study to tell them it was time for dinner.

Melinda did not join them. According to the servants, the young madam excused herself saying she was uncomfortable to dine in the main villa, and had dinner brought to her room instead.

Jonas was understandably worried about this. He breezed through his meal and hurried over to his wife’s villa. He headed straight to her bedroom and found her fast asleep.

"Mellie." He sat at her bedside and took her hand, pressing it against his lips. "You must never let me go after this. Not now, when I’ve finally come to my senses."

He had always been confident in himself, but he always found himself at a loss when it came to his wife. He already had his work cut out for him, so he was fervently hoping that he could get Melinda to see his sincerity before it was too late.

Knowing that she was in a bad mood, he let her sleep. Although he did stay for a few more minutes just sitting there, holding her hand, sometimes stroking her hair. He eventually left for the guest bedroom.

He shouldn’t have expected to get a good night’s sleep after all that happened, but his restlessness bordered on the unreasonable. To him, at least.

He kept thinking about the rare times that he and Melinda enjoyed each other’s company, talking amicably, even laughing together, or just sitting in companionable silence. Every now and then the unpleasant memories would intrude, but the happy ones always stood out, more vividly than the rest.

His thoughts inadvertently went to Emily. He must do something about that woman immediately. He looked back on the friendship they had over the years, and his head began to ache.

He couldn’t renege on his resolve to make Melinda his top priority, but he couldn’t bring himself to be so cruel to Emily, given their background. He tossed and turned and brooded as he lay in bed. It wasn’t until dawn that he finally fell asleep, his mind exhausted.

In his dream, his wife had finally left him, saying she was too tired of their marriage. She kept telling him to go to Emily instead.

In the dream, he begged Melinda, saying that he could only be happy with her and no one else. Melinda would push him away every time, and tell him that Emily could undoubtedly make him happier, since he always came to his childhood friend anyway.

Jonas woke with a start, his face beaded with cold sweat. The dream was all but a hazy memory in the light of day, but the alarm and urgency pumping in his veins were very real. He made a decision right there and then. He couldn’t bear to lose Melinda, no matter the cost.

He was going to help Emily, but this would be the last time. He’d even allow some excess with the favor she was asking, but that would be the end of it. After that he would make a clean, absolute cut.

When he came down for breakfast, he found Melinda already seated and silently eating some porridge. She cast him a brief glance as he pulled out a chair, saying nothing. A sense of guilt assaulted him but he pushed it down. It was time to act with full intent. He pulled his chair right next to hers and sat on it, purposely brushing his legs against hers in the process.

"You should have waited for me." He brought his face closer to hers as he whispered, and was rewarded by the sight of her dainty little ears reddening.

"I was hungry." Her reply was calm and curt, but deep down her nerves were a wreck, and she struggled to appear nonchalant.

His proximity and the scent of his cologne brought up memories of the night at the police station, his sudden confession, and that brief peck on the lips. She took another spoonful of porridge, and had to swallow a few times before it went down her throat.


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