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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 127


Chapter 127 

Cynthia must be cursing herself for opening her mouth and trying to show off a few seconds ago.Drusilla had always been tolerant of her and patient, so I did not know why she was acting like this. 

However, Drusilla was the least of my worries. Callahan’s gaze rested on me, demanding more explanation about what his best friend had just blurted a few moments ago. 

“Uh…I told you it was just a misunderstanding.” Cynthia tried to quickly grab her purse and leave, but Callahan raised his voice again. 

“I dont remember asking you to leave.” His cold voice reached Cynthia, who played with the strap of her dress, not knowing what to do. 

“Now, Ms. Zenovia Archer, would you please be kind enough to elaborate on what my best friend said just now?” 

I looked at Cynthia, who was staring daggers at me, but he spoke to me again. 

“Look at me!!” 

I almost jumped out of my skin, but did as he asked. 

“Did anybody threaten you 

under my 

my roof?” 

He asked, and I pushed my 

hair behind my ears. 

“Uh, well, Cynthia has been bullying me for a long time.” I said and took a pause, but Callahan only looked at me as if he wanted to hear more. 


“Um, she kept on threatening me that she was going to be the Luna and I was, at the most, your breeder, so I should not…have any romantic thoughts about you.” 

A muscle in his jaw twitched, and I did not like the way his expressions worsened. 


“And…uh…and she and her friends bullied me at the ball as well. They hit me a few times and warned me to stay away from you.” 



Chapter 127. 

Callahan grabbed the fork lying next to his dish and was twirling it in his hands. 

“They hit you? Knowing that you are my pack member, and that you are under my protection?”. 

Cynthia began to sweat, and I saw the way her breathing grew ragged. 

“It was not like that, King. She tripped, and the wine fell on her dress and…” 

“Do not talk to me unless I ask you to!!” He slammed his hand on the table and Cynthia fell silent. 

“Sooo, Zenovia, go on…” 

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, but I could not defy his order. And the way he stood up for me gave me the courage to confront her again. 

My earlier boost of confidence had drizzled when she mentioned their marriage, but now with him demanding the truth, it came roaring back. 

“Yes. Cynthia hates me and thinks I am getting in her way of becoming your Luna. She is deceitful, conniving, and many times tried to harm me. She pretended to be nice to me in front of others, but when it was just me and her, she would threaten and bully me.” 

Callahan twirled the fork in his hand again. “When was the last time she did it?” 

My gaze flicked to the wall clock hanging behind him. “Around half an hour ago or so.” 

“And you kept silently enduring all of it?” He asked, leaving me stunned. 


He balled his hands into fists. “All those weeks of training, all of your stubbornness to not listen to me when I ask you to not to 

something…why did that evaporate when you faced her?” 

Callahan asked. 

I had been thinking that he would reprimand Cynthia for her actions and punish her. But he was asking me some very pointed questions. 

“I…she is working closely with you. She helped you create all the clauses and stuff…” 


Chapter 127 

“How does that equal to you allowing anybody to trample you?” 

His question was blunt to the point of being rude. 

He then looked at Cynthia. “I hate bullies because they pick on weak people. But I also hate those who never raise their voice against those bullies and endure everything quietly. If you cannot stand up for yourself, how are you going to help me break the curse, Zenovia?” 

His question made me rethink my decisions about staying quiet against Cynthia. 

“I…” I stammered. 

“Consider this as a test. She is an enemy who is torturing you and you have to escape her clutches and come to my aid. How will you do it?” 

I looked from Cynthia to him and back at her again. Was he really asking me to fight her in the middle of the dining hall? 

“I…I will fight her.” 

“How? By enduring her hatred and crying silently like you are some weak crybaby?” 

“I am not a crybaby.” 

“What else should I think of you, Zenovia? A girl who is not even a member of your pack comes to you and threatens you on a regular basis…under your pack’s roof and you let her. She is not at fault if she did that, you know?” 

He said and smiled at Cynthia. His words left all of us confused. 

What was he trying to do here? 

“Weaklings have no place in my pack. If you were weeding them out, I appreciate your effort.” 

He said, taking her by surprise. 

“Uh…thank you, my King,” she said, not understanding where the conversation was headed to. 

“I am not a weakling,” I said, coiling my hands into fists. 

Callahan proceeded to continue eating and took a bite from his dish, that had certainly gone cold by now. 


Chapter 127 

It is a shame, honestly. I am now second-guessing my decision of allowing her to be my anchor. If she cannot even help herself, how will she be of any use to me?” 

He said, eyeing Matteo, who only looked at me helplessly. 


I said, my voice climbing an octave as I stormed away from the table and went to stand in front of him. 

I was shaking with anger, but he dismissed me with one look. 

“You cannot defeat her. You can’t even touch her without Cynthia beating you to a pulp.” 

He said, and I lost my self-restraint. 

I walked towards Cynthia who was smiling at me smugly. “What? You think a chance against me, girl? The King is right.” 

She said, flipping her hair and I walked towards her, raising my hand and I did not even realize when my palm connected with her cheek as the sound of a loud slap reverberated through the hall. 


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