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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 23


Chapter 23 


Chapter 23 

I gulped nervously as Callahan closed the door behind me. The door fell shut with a soft click and I could not help but suddenly realize that it was just us two in here

Take a seatHe pointed to one of the many chairs as he walked towards his desk

I look around and found a notepad and pen lying on the desk. May I?I asked, and he nodded

I took it, mostly to give my hands something to do than fidget nervously. I clicked the pen and asked

So, everybody tells me you do not love parties or fun. What type of event are you looking forward to in that case?King Callahan pulled his big, plush chair and sat in it as I opened the notepad, waiting to scribble

I am not sure but something that makes everybody stop eating my head” 

Okay, that was not the response I was expecting

Hmm, why do you hate socializing?I asked, and he furrowed his eyebrows

I don’t hate socializing.” 

I repeated. I think you do” 

Callahan placed his hands on the table and countered, Did you not see the dozen or so people who were in a meeting with me?” 

I shook my head as he mumbled, Oh right, you did not. You were too busy dancingin a towel.” 

I looked away from him as I recalled the moment I had been doing my little happy dance and somehow ended 

my stomach. on top of him. That memory was still enough to make butterflies riot in 

I did not look up but merely threw in another question so that he would not elaborate on that towel dance again. Either way, would you want the event to be held here or somewhere else?” 

up naked 

Callahan considered it, Maybe, the front open grounds should be ideal. We can have it in the evening so not everybody is packed under the roof.” 

I scribbled on my notepad he hates partying

I gave him a smile and looked up. Great, anything that you absolutely don’t want to happen in the event. Like something you hate?” 

Callahan scratched his chin, Loud music. Please keep it soft” 

I wrote down- he is boring

This was helping me calm down my nervousness and frustration

For the next few minutes, I asked him various questions about his choices and preferences, likes and dislikes and he answered me without looking annoyed

However, from time to time, he seemed to slip in some other world and mull over about something

We chatted for a while as I got to know more about him. King Callahan did not have many friends as far as I gathered, he liked to keep to himself but adored his beta, gamma and Drusilla

He was wealthy, extremely wealthy and was a selfmade man. King Callahan was as ruthless to the rogues and his enemies. as he was kind to his pack

I had never thought of him to be anything but a growling, angry man hulk so seeing him talk about his people with care was unexpected for me

Ok now if we talk about colors, what color coordination or themes would you want for the event?” 

He was twirling a pen in his hand and answered, I am not sure. How about black?” 

I blinked at him

Black? We are not going to somebody’s funeral, you know.” 

He gave me a look and asked, Well then you tell me what you have in mind.” 

I tapped the end of the pen on my chin and muttered, softer shades of pink and white along with some flowers here and 

there would be nice.” 

Chapter 23 

The look he gave me when I said pink was almost as if I had asked him to strip for me

Which by the way, was not too bad at all as an alternative

I shook my head as he muttered, Pink?” 

I nodded my head and said, Of course, pink. It is a balla mating ball for Goddess sake, pink and red are the colors of 


Callahan stopped twirling his pen and gave me an even look

Love? You believe in that?” 

His gaze was hot, piercing and I felt unnerved by his stare. Of course I do. Why else would the moon Goddess give us 


Callahan shrugged and replied, I am not sure, maybe she is running a marriage bureau or something up in the clouds.” 

I was appalled at this guy. He was making fun of the moon Goddess, a deity we all revered

Just because you can’t love somebody does not mean the world is devoid of it. It is like saying the world does not need chocolates because I hate it.” 

My fingers curled around the pen and I kept clicking it anxiously. He noticed my furstrtiaon but still continued

I can’t love someone? What makes you so sure of that?” 

I took a breath to calm my nerves as his gaze held me in place. I felt transfixed as his golden eyes stared straight at me, right into my soul

I shivered and felt queasy and felt my hands suddenly grow clammy

I fumbled, II said don’tjust because you don’t love someone does not mean nobody needs it” 

But Callahan was not buying it. He got up from his chair and walked past the large desk to come and directly stand in front 

of me

He was already quite tall so with me seated on the chair and him standing in front of me, it felt as if I was gazing at the tip of a large tower

Callahan slowly lowered his head, and placed his hands on the armrests of the chair I had been seated on

He brought his face at eyelevel with me and I gulped nervously. 

Callahan looked like a lion to me, both handsome and deadly, a fierce predator who was mesmerizing to look at but also very dangerous to attract attention of 

I saw the light stubble on his jaw and my hand suddenly itched to brush the pad of my finger against it

Can’tHe breathed and I blinked furiously

Had he just read my mind and told me no, he can’t allow me to touch his face

Thanfkully, before I would ask him what he meant and blabbered something sheepishly, he added

You said you can’t love someonenot you don’t love someonewhy is that?” 

He asked, his face a hair’s breadth away from me. I gulped again as I saw his expressions and the way he looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer

His face was the most handsome face I had ever seen. And up close, he looked even more enticing. He had a welldefined jawline that was sharp and angular while his cheekbones were prominent

Not to forget his full lips that had kissed me. His lips were slightly parted and I tried to not look at them and forced myself 

up and meet his gaze again

to look 


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