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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Chapter 28 


1 had been seated in my office, papers, and files strewn all around the table and a few lying on the floor as well

I had decided to drown myself in work just like I would work before. The innocent looking girl in my house was not going to 

turn me soft

I was spending some time thinking about her, fantasizing about her and thankfully, I realized it soon enough

The ball could happen and she could even find a mate for all I cared, she was not going to matter to me

But then why are you avoiding her if she doesn’t mean anything to you?least, my Lycan, asked in my head

I mentally rolled my eyes at him and replied. Because I am working. And it needs concentration.” 

He chuckled, “At least you agreed that she distracts you.” 

I did not wish to argue with Beast so I didn’t bother replying and instead focussed on the file in front of me

I thought of having a meeting with all the alphas again and enforcing a few new rules since everybody would be around

But it looked like nobody wanted to let me work in peace. The door of my office flew open and Drusilla was standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at me

How rude of the host to not attend the event!!she huffed and came forward

I flipped a page of the file without looking up at her. I am not the host and it is not my event. Close the door on your way 


That only angered her more as she flared her nostrils and came up to me and plucked the file out of my hands

Get up, now!!” 

I let out a sigh. Dru, I am working-” 

She shook her head, You work 24 by 7. Now, I want you to get up and come with me outside right now. Everybody is asking for you.” 

I shrugged, Let them. If they find their mates, nobody would bother about me either way.” 

But she had already grabbed my hand and was pulling me out of the chair, God, you are so huge. Move!!” 

I shook my head and got up from the chair as she put herself behind me and placed her hands on my back

Out, keep walking” 

I chuckled. If people saw how such a minion orders the Lycan King around, who will even fear me? My reputation is at 


Drusilla began panting. Then how about you walk out nicely with me? You made poor Zenovia slog so much and I dolled her up but you are not even going to thank her for the effort?” 

At Zenovia’s mention, there was an odd feeling inside my chest. I played with my cuffs and asked, She is there?” 

Drusilla huffed, Of course she is! Do you want her to help you or not as your anchor? Why will she even agree if you are so cold to her?” 

Hmm, well I could not argue with that. So after twenty minutes, I washed my face and stepped outside the front doors of the mansion with Drusilla by my side

As expected, everybody just gathered around me and I tried to be nice and polite. My eyes subconsciously scanned the crowd for Zenivia but she was nowhere to be seen

Then I reminded myself about my earlier resolve and decided to focus on the people around me

After a few minutes of chitchat, Cynthia came forward and asked me for a dance. I wanted to deny her, but she kept asking. me and with all the people watching us it would look rude

Cynthia pulled me to the dance floor, and I let her. She began dancing closely, and I tried to feel something for her. anything 

She was beautiful; she had a nice figure and her eyes were begging me to touch her. I tried to focus on her, to not think about the girl with those innocent eyes who had said I could not love anyone

But it was getting increasingly hard to forget about her. While I danced with Cynthia or tried to, my brain reminded me of the little happy dance Zenovia had done, wearing nothing but a towel

She had looked a lot more sexier and cuter than all these girls wearing fashionable clothes and despite having Cynthia so close to me, my eyes still kept looking for Zenovia

Chapter 28 

You look dapper today, my KingCynthia complimented me and I only gave her a small smile

So do you 

Her face brightened at that and she kept dancing slowly but I could not keep up with the charade anymore

I was wondering what to do when suddenly there was the sound of a crash and the wooden frames put up all around us for the event began to vibrate

At first, I thought it was some rogue attack and was immediately going to spring into action but then my gaze slowly traveled to the source of noise and I saw Zenovia standing alone by a table

And, I sucked in a breath

She looked so damn gorgeous that my eyes could only focus on her beauty. Zenovia looked absolutely ethereal in the dress. that clung to her curves, giving me a delicious view of her figure

Her hair fell in waves upon her shoulders and the off shoulder dress gave me a nice view of her deep neckline

I swallowed as my mind immediately began to wonder how soft her skin must be under that fabric

The slit on her dress that reached her thigh was too tantalizing and all my earlier self resolve crumbled when I locked eyes. with her

She was messing with my mind and I was letting her. Cynthia saw me being distracted and tried to speak

Shall we continue dancing?” 

But I could not. Not anymore

So I only mouthed something like, I have to goand walked away from the dance floor. My feet automatically turned in Zenovia’s direction and I found myself standing in front of her

Where were you all this time?I asked and she fumbled with her dress, trying to tug at it and pull it down and cover the slit on her thigh

My eyes roamed over her body and I could not help but stare in awe at her beautiful appearance again

L..I was just sitting hereShe answered and I did not even know when I had held out my hand in front of her


Zenovia blinked and then looked around nervously. I knew that all eyes were on us but I did not care

She bit her lower lip and then looked up at the dance floor where Cynthia was still standing, staring at us with her mouth 


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