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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 


For a worried second, I wondered if Thunder had irked him and if he would 

my wolf, but he did not say a thing. 

me for not having better control of 

In fact, he did not even look at me. Callahan continued walking back towards the car and reached it in a few seconds. 

And I felt my cheeks flame and my skin tingle at the way his fingers casually rested on the underside of my breast and my thighs. 

Not that he was trying to touch me or anything, he was just carrying me, knowing very well that the transformation had seeped out the remaining energy from me. 

My gaze went to the sky, and I noticed that the moon was slowly disappearing behind the horizon. It was quite late in the night, or maybe early in the morning. 

But it was not too dark anymore. And I felt my cheeks flame red. At least in the darkness, I could hide my face and not let him see my emotions. But in the absence of it, I only wondered how it would be to face him again in broad daylight. 

I was finally happy to have found Thunder and awakened my wolf. I was not wolfless anymore. I only looked up at the sky and thanked the moon Goddess for granting me with my wolf. 

Though, I still had to learn to get along with her and transform without going through hellish pain or doing strenuous activities like running or maybe even fighting in the future without feeling like passing out. 

But for now, I nuzzled against Callahan’s bare chest, inhaling his scent that went straight to my head. 

Despite running with Thunder, he had not broken in sweat, neither did he look tired after…well after sating my heat and allowing the transformation to take effect. 

Iwas not sure if I should thank him for helping me or ask forgiveness for my wolf’s attitude. While I was wondering about all this, Callahan brought us near the car. 

He gently opened the door with one hand and placed me on the seat. His fingers brushed my chest accidentally, and I tried my best to not shiver at the pleasure it sent down my spine. 

His face was close, too close to me. He only looked at my face for a brief second to see if I was okay and then closed the door while getting into the driver’s seat. 

“We have one problem,” Callahan said after steering the car in the direction of the road and leaving the muddy, slightly twisting lanes of the lanes that led to the lake. 

I only looked at him, and he replied without looking at me. “I usually have extra clothes around but my shirt is torn and so is your dress” 

I had been sitting with my legs crossed over each other and I let my hair fall on my chest to cover my chest. 

I looked around to see if I could see something to cover myself, but there was nothing. 

Not to mention that my muscles and brain were still reeling from the exhaustion of the transformation, plus everything else he did to me. 

Or rather, what he did NOT do to me. Some part of me had been craving for more of him, but he stopped abruptly after seeing my mark.. 

He mumbled something about the mark changing shape, but I felt like it was just that he did not feel the need to go any further. 

I tried to focus my thoughts on the fact that I had finally found my wolf instead of his abrupt change of action. 

Plus, he had not been rude to Thunder, though she was playful and a bit wild. So I just let my thoughts wander towards Thunder and now how to be even stronger. It was truly exhilarating to have found my wolf. 

Thad always seen people talk about awakening their wolves and how it was a life-changing experience. Now, I was no longer just a human and wolfless girl. 

Though the circumstances revolving around my awakening of the wolf were odd, I tried not to dwell on the worries. 

The soft breeze flowing in through the open window gently caressed my face and began lulling me to sleep. 

I felt my eyelids grow heavy as Callahan drove the car toward the gate of the mansion. By the time we reached it, the sky was much brighter, and the darkness was gone, just like my worries. 

The guards promptly opened the gate and Callahan drove the car inside the garage. Since it was quite early in the morning, not many were around. 

The car drive back home had been silent, but I did not even notice it as I was too happy to have found Thunder. 

Callahan turned the ignition off and got out of the car. He was just in his pants and had no qualms about walking out half-naked. 

Not that anybody would question him. His hair was still a little wet and messy and in the morning light, I could see his muscles and six pack quite clearly. 

But I tore my gaze away from that sight and looked around. I had to find something to cover myself in. 

Callahan had almost made it to the door when he realized I had still not moved. 

“Are you going to sit there the entire time?” He asked, turning around to look at me. 

I tried not to sound irritated as I muttered, “I…need clothes.” 

He leaned on a pillar beside him and muttered, “Well, they are upstairs…in your room. You can go up and get them.” 

I found that smirk returning to his face. 

“I know that,” I mumbled, mostly to myself, but his ears twitched, telling me that he had heard me. 

That smirk turned even wider. 

“Can you please give me something to cover myself up?” I asked, but he did not budge, so I hastily added, “…your Majesty” 

That smirk turned into a grin as he turned around and left without a word. 


Had he just left me sitting there? I waited for a minute or two and even craned my ears to pick up the sound of his footsteps, but I could not hear a thing. 


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