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Freaky Shit novel Chapter 12

a foxhole court fanfic

Neil sat in the front seat of Andrew's car watching him sip from an energy drink. 'Only he would have caffeine this late' Neil thought, inwardly rolling his eyes. It was one of the many reasons he loved him. Checking the clock on the dash Neil realized how late it actually was. "Kevin's gonna be mad if i'm late," he spoke. Andrew set his drink down, not bothering to give Neil even the slightest glance "Relax."

Neil found their late night rides comforting, the silence was never awkward, and the faint smell of smoke that always followed Andrew gave him a strange sense of calm. Neil was zoning when he realized that the road they were on was one he didn't recognize. He shifted in his seat and was about to say something, but Andrew beat him to it.

"Kevin took the night off," he explained.

"Why are we-?" Neil started to ask.

"I think he's meeting Jean."

Neil's brow furrowed. "You're changing the subject."

"You were the one changing the subject," Andrew stared ahead at the road. That was when Neil noticed that there wasn't much road left. They'd come to a dead end.

"Where are we?" Neil asked,looking around. They were surrounded by only trees.

"Get out." Andrew said. Anyone else in Neil's situation would start to worry. Everyone knew Andrew carried knives, and most people wouldn't put it past him to murder someone. They were in the middle of nowhere, and no one would question Neil's absence for quiet some time. But he wasn't scared. He trusted Andrew, he always had and he always would. He opened the car door and stepped out.

Through the thin trees in front of him he could see water. They were by a lake. While Neil was checking out the veiw when Andrew came up beside him.

"It's beautiful," Neil said.

"Yeah, Dee recommended it. Told me I need a spot to clear my head. I think she just wants me to catch malaria from all these damn mosquitoes." Neil reached out for Andrews hand.

"How romantic," Neil said smiling like an idiot.

"Shut up junkie," Andrew said, pushing Neil up against the nearest tree.

Neil ran his fingers through Andrew's hair and kissed him, softly at first until soon they were wrestling each other's tongues and breathing heavily.

"While I love the thought of a romantic make out by the lake," Neil said between breaths, "the mosquitoes are kind of killing the mood." Andrew grabbed Neil's hand and lead him back to the car. He opened the door and pushed Neil in. Climbing on top of him Andrew shut the car door.

Andrew reconnected their lips and soon Neil flipped them over so he was on top. He moved from Andrew's now bright red lips to his pale neck. He risked leaving a hickey below his ear, not sure what would happen if he left a more visible one.

Chapter 12: "114%" (bxb) 1


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