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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 

Seeing Leonard take out his phone and make a call, Martin panicked but soon calmed down

He knew Cole’s friends but had never heard of Leonard

Leonard was clearly pretending

What’s going on? He called Cole’s name directly. Does he really know Martin’s father?

How possible? Even if he really knows Cole, will he punish his son for an outsider?” 

That makes sense.” 

Leonard does have someone on his back, but he is a bit complacent.” 

People around all shook their heads and felt pity for Leonard

Even if it was really Cole’s number, Leonard didn’t have the right to command him unless Leonard was the Governor of Newden City or as powerful as Ethan

Before answering the phone, Cole was flirting with his secretary. He was so frightened and almost dropped his phone on the ground when he heard it was Leonard

Cole didn’t expect his son would provoke Leonard, the future heir of the Gora Group. He heard Ethan and others had even injected capital into Leonard’s company yesterday

Leonard was someone whom the Klein family couldn’t afford to offend in Newden City

Mr. Santos, my son is ignorant. I apologize to you for what he did. Please don’t take it to your heart.” 

Your son swindled money under my name and wanted me to kneel down and apologize to him. If you can’t discipline him, I don’t mind helping you teach him a lesson,Leonard said coldly


When Cole heard this, his voice trembled with fright

Mr. Santos, please don’t. I’ll call him right away.” 

Cole knew how dominant the Gora Group was

Leonard might beat Martin hard and even break his legs

Although Cold was mad at Martin, he couldn’t watch his son get hurt

Leonard snorted coldly and hung up the phone

He’s quite good at acting. I don’t think he really made the call.” 

Cole is so powerful. How could he have a right to scold him?” 

It’s clearly a bluff, but his acting is too fake, and it’s unrealistic.” 

I have to say I’m almost deceived by him.” 

Everyone whispered to each other and was full of doubts about Leonard

After all, Cole was one of the big shots in Newden City

Martin glared at Leonard, his eyes full of anger

He didn’t know who Leonard had called and pretended to reprimand his father

He thought Leonard was treating him as a fool and humiliating him

Even if he knew it was fake, he couldn’t tolerate it

Leonard, you bastard. You’re done today,Martin said loudly

If he could defeat Leonard, he would have punched Leonard right now

Leonard went too far. He is clearly humiliating Martin.” 

I can’t bear it either if it were me.” 

Everyone discussed in low voices

Kayla said sarcastically, Leonard, don’t be stubborn. You will have no good end when Zavier comes



Chapter 115 

Mr. Klein has given you a chance, but you don’t cherish it. Now you’re done as you have offended Mr. Klein.” 

Shut your mouth, idiot.” Leonard didn’t have a good impression of Kayla, so he retorted directly


Kayla was trembling in a fury

And Marianna was a little speechless

She didn’t understand why Leonard offended Martin and drove himself to a dead end, leaving no room for reconciliation

I guess your dad’s call will come in less than two minutes.” 

Leonard looked at Martin and said, “Your father said you’re decadent and asked me to help discipline you last time. I agreed with him, but I didn’t expect you would have no morality

I won’t accept such a person like you.” 

Leonard’s words made Martin’s face livid

Martin gritted his teeth and said, Kid, you’d better say it fast if you have anything to say. You don’t have much time.” 

Kayla echoed, Stop bragging. If Mr. Cole Klein finds you are making fun of him, he will not spare you.” 

Jocelyn persuaded on the side. Leonard, don’t be impulsive. Mr. Klein did go too far, but you don’t have to drive yourself to a dead end.” 

Leonard turned a deaf ear to the words of the people around him

Marianna hesitated for a moment and said, Leonard, actually” 

Trust me.” 

Leonard interrupted her

Marianna met Leonard’s eyes. Thinking that she got him in trouble, she felt a lump in her throat and didn’t say anything 


It’s been two minutes.” 


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