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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 

There were numerous families in Imperial City, but they didn’t appear to be formidable

However, a small family in Imperial City would be considered a prominent force in any other city

Even in Imperial City, the Morris family was still considered a mediumsized family

No one dared to underestimate even the collateral heir of the Morris family

The Dewey family, where Cherry belonged, was considered a prestigious family in Newden City. However, when it was compared to the Morris family, there was a significant gap between them

It could be said that there was no comparison between the Dewey family and the Morris family

No wonder Avery, once she got close to the heir of the Morris family, became arrogant and started provoking Cherry

Cherry didn’t dare to confront the heir of the Morris family

However, being suppressed by her archnemesis, Avery, made her feel somewhat frustrated. She couldn’t help but look toward Leonard beside her, seeking help with her eyes

Initially, Leonard was uninterested in getting involved in such matters. However, seeing Cherry’s gaze, he thought that she was at least on the same side as him… 

So he asked, How does the Morris family compare to the Acosta family in Imperial City?” 

The Acosta family is a prominent family in Imperial City, and the Morris family cannot match them.” 

Brian Morris from the Morris family replied, without feeling ashamed of being inferior to the Acosta family

So, the Morris family is even inferior to the Acosta family.” 

Leonard disdainfully shook his head

Upon hearing Leonard’s belittling words about the Morris family, Brian suddenly became angry

However, he noticed Leonard’s arrogant attitude, and he was unsure of Leonard’s background, so he asked, May I know who you are? Which family do you come from?” 

I am Leonard, from the Santos family in Newden City.” 

Leonard replied proudly

The Santos family?” 

Brian couldn’t help but sneer, Is there a Santos family in Newden City? I have never heard of them.” 

Avery chimed in, unable to resist mocking, I grew up in Newden City and have never heard of the Santos family. It seems like you’re just shamelessly bragging without knowing any shame. Cherry, have you really stooped so low as to a**ociate with someone like this?” 

However, Leonard remained composed. There was no Santos family in Newden City before, but when I appeared, the Santos family became the number one family in Newden City.” 

Upon hearing these words, even the people around couldn’t help but burst into laughter

He said the funniest things with the most audacious tone

Avery, let’s go inside. He’s just a fool.” 

Brian shook his head and walked toward the inside with Avery

Inside, there were exclusive rooms for VIPs, specially prepared by the hotel for the super elites, with only five in total. Even Cherry didn’t meet the requirements for being accommodated there unless her grandfather, Reg, arrived. Avery walked past Cherry with an air of arrogance. Her gaze filled with a hint of mockery

After the two left, Cherry spoke, Mr. Santos, there’s no need to be angry. There’s no need to converse with ignorant people. How would they know your abilities?” 

I’m not angry.” 

Leonard said calmly

Sometimes, being too superior wasn’t a good thing because the other party simply wouldn’t believe him. It would only be a waste of his time and energy

Once Leonard and Cherry sat down, murmurs and discussions could be heard around them

Did you hear that? He said he came from the most powerful family in Newden City. It’s ridiculous.” 


Chapter 121 

Cherry is the heiress of the Dewey family. How could she mingle with someone like this? I think Miss Dewey has been 


I heard Miss Dewey is also a talented woman. Can’t she even differentiate between people?” 

Didn’t you hear what Avery said? The Dewey family has been borrowing money everywhere recently. Maybe there have been some financial troubles in their business. In times of desperation, people tend to make hasty decisions. Perhaps Leonard saw this opportunity and successfully approached Miss Dewey.” 

Yeah, Mr. Morris went straight into the most prestigious VIP room while they could only wait in the lobby. Cherry and Avery have been openly competing, and in the end, Avery surpa**ed Cherry with Mr. Morrissupport.” 

At first, the people around were whispering, but their voices became louder as they continued

Cherry couldn’t help but stand up to defend herself, but Leonard stopped her with his 

At that moment, the noisy hall suddenly fell silent

A woman dressed in a white suit approached with a group of people surrounding her


She had a tall figure and a beautiful appearance. A group of bodyguards stood behind her, which made her exude a powerful 


It’s Natalie Bailey, the heiress of King Pharmacy. She actually came in person. It seems that the Divine Herb auctioned today is precious.” 

King Pharmacy is a large company that spans several states. I heard that Natalie has an extraordinary relationship with the Governor’s son, Paul.” 

In an instant, everyone’s attention shifted to Natalie

Even the people who were sitting stood up

Natalie walked forward, her gaze unwavering


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