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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

On the other end of the phone, Gracia muttered, Why did Mr. Santos suddenly change his style? He’s actually going to make a dazzling entrance!” 

But, to be honest, she was looking forward to it

When the official press conference took place tomorrow, the Santos Group would leap to the top of the rankings in Newden, and everyone would be shocked to discover that the CEO of the Santos Group was actually a young man in his twenties

Even Gracia herself felt like she was in a dream, let alone the others

Leonard hung up the phone, finished his cigarette, and then stood up

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another call came in

Mr. Santos, it’s me, Barrett. I’ve tested the black ointment you sent, and it really has the ability to rejuvenate aging cells

As for the formula, I haven’t fully analyzed it yet, but I’ve got some leads. I believe it won’t be long before we can start ma**producing the black ointment

When the time comes, it will surely shock the entire medical community.” 

On the other end of the phone, Barrett’s voice was filled with excitement

Upon hearing this news, Leonard couldn’t help but feel overjoyed

It was easy to imagine the immense wealth that a product capable of extending human life by a decade or even several decades could bring

The day when the Santos Group would become the most powerful company in Griffinland was not far off

Mr. Bailey, I’m counting on you for this,” 

Leonard said, taking a deep breath

However, on the other end of the line, Barrett sounded hesitant

What’s wrong?” 

Leonard was a little confused

WellWe’re running short of funds. Could you provide me with 100 million dollars in support for now?” 

A hundred million? I’ll send you 200 million dollars right away.” 

Leonard said generously

After selling the top gemstone last time, Waylon had given Leonard 420 million dollars. Even after spending a considerable amount on Miraculoberry and other items, Leonard still had over 200 million dollars in his account

Alright, Leonard, I’ll do my best to finalize the formula for you as quickly as possible,” 

Barrett said before hanging up the phone

Leonard then called Ethan at Fox Bank and instructed him to transfer the funds to the Barrett Institute’s account

After everything was done, Leonard suppressed his inner thoughts and began to meditate

The next morning, Leonard got up as usual, practiced martial arts, and had breakfast. Then, he checked the time and rode his bicycle to the location of today’s press conference, the Vian International Club

The club’s parking lot was already filled with various luxury cars

and there was a constant flow of people at the entrance, including many reporters and staff members

Some media reporters, who were already aware of the big news, appeared extremely excited

Today’s press conference was bound to cause a huge stir in Newden

Compared to those luxury cars, Leonard riding a bicycle seemed somewhat out of place

Just as he parked his bicycle, a slightly surprised voice came from behind

Leonard, why are you here?” 

Leonard turned around and saw Kenia, who was holding a folder and dressed in a neat uniform

Kenia was already attractive, and today’s clean and sharp attire added an extra hint of charm to her appearance

Kenia looked at Leonard’s bicycle and couldn’t help feeling a bit puzzled



Chapter 138 

She remembered that the last time Waylon had given Leonard 420 million dollars. But now, it seemed that Leonard still hadn’t bought himself a decent car

Behind Kenia was someone Leonard was also familiar with. Judy

At this moment, she was also looking at Leonard with curiosity

Leonard then remembered that Kenia was an employee of the Santos Group. So, it was normal for her to show up as a staff member at the Santos Group’s press conference today

As for Judy, Leeaard noticed that she had a camera hanging around her neck

Could it be that she’s doing the interview as a reporter?he thought

Leonard, long time no see.” 

Judy also smiled and greeted Leonard

Leonard noticed that Judy was wearing a white dress today. In addition to the camera, she was also wearing a reporter’s pa**

Leonard thought, I was right. She is indeed a reporter.” 

Leonard, you haven’t answered my question yet. Could it be that you are fascinated by Judy’s beauty?” 

Kenia pouted while teasing Leonard

Judy blushed slightly and lowered her head

Leonard also felt a bit embarra**ed

I’m here to attend the press conference.” 

Do you have some business with the Santos Group, too?” 

Kenia’s eyes 


  1. up

It was entirely normal for Leonard, who had over 400 million dollars and a close relationship with Waylon, to have business dealings with the Santos Group

If Kenia’s own cousin were a major client of the Santos Group, it would also shine positively on her within the company

Sort of,” 

Leonard replied with a smile

Kenia, let’s go in. I need to secure a good spot for the interview with the Santos Group’s CEO to get the best angle for photos

I just started my internship at the newspaper. Being a**igned to cover the Santos Group’s press conference was a favor from the editorinchief. After all, this is major news,Judy said

Leonard said, You two go ahead. I’ll join you later.” 

Leonard, are you waiting for Waylon? I heard he invested in the Santos Group, so he’s definitely going to show up today.Hearing this, pedestrians pa**ing by couldn’t help but glance at Leonard. They were all wondering about his identity, which seemed to be connected to Waylon

Because they indeed had to get busy once inside, Kenia and Judy exchanged a few words with Leonard before hurrying inside

Leonard lit a cigarette, checked his watch, and then entered the club

As soon as he went inside, he was welcomed by a brightly lit grand hall

There was a sign at the entrance indicating the direction of the press conference

Leonard was about to head inside when two staff members stopped him

You need a pa** to go inside.” 


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