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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 

Everyone thought that Leonard had given up. No one expected Leonard to make a fierce move suddenly

And Elmore didn’t expect such a turn of events, either

The chair hit his head and shattered

A jet of blood sprayed down from his forehead

Elmore felt his eyes go dark and fell to the floor with a plop

When Gina saw this scene, her eyelids twitched wildly

On the side, Chloe was horrified. She didn’t anticipate Leonard was so audacious that he dared to hit Elmore with a chair

She thought, What if he accidentally hit Elmore to death?” 

Everyone huddling in the corner was stunned

Elmore was a frightening school bully in college

Such a scene was so violent and bloody

The crewcut young man shouted loudly from behind, Hey, you’ve got some nerve. How dare you hit Mr. Archer!” 

They were fully prepared today. How could they let Leonard act so recklessly

Haward also said domineeringly, You are done. You will definitely die today.” 

I think you’re done.” 

Leonard glared at them, and they instinctively stepped back

They still remembered how cruel Leonard had been

A bunch of trash,Leonard cursed.. 

I now officially declare that Gina is mine. Anyone who dares to bully her will be at odds with me

No matter what your background is, I will beat you up terribly.” 

The crewcut young man couldn’t help but snort, Do you think that you can do whatever you want just because you know some martial arts? Mr. Archer is well prepared today and has invited Zach from Scarlet Falcons. Zach is a big shot among gangsters. He is here. You will be dead today.” 

A big shot? Are you threatening me? I’ve also brought some people. Let’s see who’s more powerful,Leonard said disdainfully

Ethan, Waylon, and others were all outside

Before Leonard came, he had investigated Elmore’s background and found that his family could only be considered average in Newden

As for the few people Leonard brought, any one of them would strongly influence Newden by making a move. How could Leonard take Elmore and his followers seriously

Hearing what the crewcut man had said, Gina became a little worried

She had no idea of Leonard’s strength, but she knew Elmore’s background

She wondered if Leonard could still take her away this time as before

On the side, Chloe couldn’t help but mock with a gloating look, How can the people you brought compare with Mr. Archer’s? Wait for your death today.” 

However, Leonard had already taken Gina’s hand and walked outside

Let’s go and see how scary the socalled big shot is.” 

Do you want to leave? I will kill you.” 

At that time, Elmore, who had fallen to the floor, covered his head and got up. His head was filled with blood, and his eyes were as vicious as those of a ghost

Leonard glanced at him sideways, raised his leg, and kicked Elmore to the floor. Then Leonard walked out in a swaggering 


Many of Elmore’s people stood in the corridor, but no one dared to stop Leonard

Almost out of breath from the kick, Elmore struggled to his feet again and shouted, Hurry up and call Zach. We can’t let him escape.” 



Chapter 145 

At the same time, regardless of the blood on his head, Elmore was about to chase Leonard out

The crewcut young man said worriedly, Mr. Archer, what about stopping the bleeding first?” 

No, I want to see him die with my own eyes.” 

After saying that, Elmore rushed out of the cla**room

The others followed closely behind

As soon as they walked out of the building, Gina shouted, Run!” 

With that, she pulled Leonard and ran outside. As they ran, she said, I know you are bluffing them. You scared them all just new. As long as we run fast enough, we can escape.” 

Helpless, Leonard was pulled by Gina and ran to the school gate

Just when they arrived at the gate, Gina suddenly stopped

On the space outside the gate was a row of luxury cars

There were RollsRoyces, extended BMW 7 Series, topnotch business cars, discontinued Hummers, Maybachs and so on

A row of cars parked there like ferocious beasts

At the front of the cars, more than a dozen middleaged people gathered together and were engaged in a lively discussion

Next to them, several security guards were trembling with fear, as if facing formidable enemies

On the other side, a dozen gangsters squatted in fear with their heads down

Gina recognized some of the gangsters who often hung out with Elmore because she had run into them several times 



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