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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 

Outside the Santos Group, there was a loud bang

A figure descended from the sky, causing the ground beneath his feet to form a ma**ive crater

The whole building shook, and countless windows shattered instantly

The figure stood at the entrance of the Santos Group like a powerful individual, with an overwhelming and terrifying aura that enveloped the entire building

Isn’t that Mr. Santos? Do I see things correctly?” 

A security guard rubbed his eyes

Beside him, Albert’s eyes almost popped out of his head

The most shocked person in the scene was Arlene. Seeing Leonard descend from the sky, she felt her brain was shortcircuited

Is he still the same Leonard I know?” 

At this time, inside the hall, Victor clenched his fists with a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes

Are you Leonard

I initially thought you were just a master of the Strength Realm, but it seems you’ve surprised me.” 

Victor chuckled, looking like a bloodthirsty beast

His clothes billowed, and strong winds rose out of nowhere

However, Leonard ignored him. He quickly entered the hall and came to Gracia’s side

At this moment, Gracia was dying

When she saw Leonard’s arrival through her blurred vision, a faint smile appeared on her face, and there was also a hint of reproach in her voice as she said, Leonard, I told you to run. Why did you come?” 

How could I abandon you?” 

Leonard helped Gracia up

At the same time, he placed his hand on Gracia’s shoulder, and his vital energy flowed into her body through his palm, giving her some strength

At this moment, Arlene also approached them. Although her mind was filled with countless doubts, she refrained from asking them out aloud

She only whispered, Leonard, Victor has reached the Superior Level of the Transformation Realm, and you should be more careful.” 

Don’t worry, leave it to me. Take good care of Gracia.” 

After Leonard handed Gracia over to Arlene, he slowly stood up

The moment he turned around, a murderous aura surrounded him

Bastard, can we start now? I can’t wait any longer.” 

Victor licked his lips, and his eyes filled with excitement

He was a martial artist. After the bloodbath in Imperial City twenty years ago, he had been living in seclusion in Fairedge and had never made a move again

It was rare to find an expert of the Transformation Realm, and those below that level weren’t worthy of making him take action

However, those with higher strength, such as the one from the Wilson family, had already surpa**ed the Transformation Realm, and Victor didn’t have the confidence to challenge them yet

In his eyes, Leonard was the most suitable opponent

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Victor Truman,Victor said

Leonard replied coldly, with murderous intent surging in his eyes. As I said, no matter who you are, I want you to die.” 

With those words, his foot struck the ground

Suddenly, the whole building began to shake violently

Under Leonard’s foot, a large crater formed


Leonard’s body was shot forward like a cannonball. His figure left a trail in the air, moving at an incredible speed


There was a muffled sound

Victor’s body was sent flying like a kite with a broken string, and his clothes in front were torn apart by the powerful punch

The spot where Victor had stood just moments ago was now replaced by Leonard

How can you be this strong?” 

Victor’s body hit the wall behind him, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. 

After landing, he looked at Leonard with astonishment in his gaze

Leonard stood there, slowly retracting his fist. His eyes were as sharp as swords, icy and piercing

Victor, no one can save you today.” 


Victor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and suddenly laughed maniacally

Leonard, your strength does exceed my expectations, not even weaker than the one from the Wilson family, but you’ve underestimated me

I, Victor Truman, have dedicated my life to martial arts. Back then, I faced countless experts who tried to kill me, and I eventually emerged stronger from the brink of death. Today, I’ll use your pressure to prove my martial arts skills.” After saying that, he kicked off the wall behind him, spread his arms, and soared toward Leonard like a giant bird. As he approached Leonard, he clenched his fists and smashed them together, descending upon Leonard. Bang!” 

Leonard took a step forward and smashed his fist directly

Accompanied by the sound of the fist breaking through the air, Victor’s body was once again sent flying backward. Thinking of using my pressure to improve your martial arts is a fool’s errand.” 

As Leonard spoke, Leonard’s body had already closed in on him, chasing closely behind

Without waiting for Victor’s body to land, Leonard struck with his fist, aiming directly at Victor’s chest. Boom!” 

Victor finally showed fear in his eyes

He crossed his arms in an attempt to defend himself

However, Leonard’s punch was too powerful, exceeding the limit of what he could bear

The terrifying force of the punch directly broke through his arm’s defense and struck his chest


Victor’s chest collapsed instantly, and his body crashed violently into the wall behind him

Cracks were formed on the wall as it absorbed the impact

Blood constantly spurted out from his mouth and nose

Even someone as obsessed with martial arts as Victor couldn’t help but cry out in pain

He instinctively tried to gather his strength, but by then, Leonard was already in front of him, his iron hands gripping his neck

Do you know what it means to be in a fate worse than death?” 

Leonard’s indifferent voice sounded, and the next moment, his elbow slammed fiercely into Victor’s chest

The already severely injured chest collapsed again, and blood gushed out profusely


Victor gasped for breath, his face contorted in agony

This is just the beginning.” 

Leonard’s voice echoed as if it had come from the depths of hell

Chapter 151 

He directly lifted Victor and forcefully slammed him into the ground


Countless bones were broken upon impact


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