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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 

The atmosphere of the birthday party was electric

Leonard sat there quietly and looked at the people having fun, seeming out of place

Lara was cheerful and quickly became familiar with Marianna’s friends in Parasoly

Anne was ladylike. Although she didn’t talk much, she attracted the attention of men. Several men talked to her intentionally or unintentionally

Eileen was quiet and aloof. Her temperament scared many men away

Matt was the most popular man. He talked about business in front of a group of friends

Hearing Matt’s words, Leonard knew Matt’s family was well off and that he was capable enough to run a company. Matt was Marianna’s admirer in high school

Marianna chatted with her friends next to her but looked in Leonard’s direction from time to time

Leonard found a trace of helplessness in her tender eyes

Leonard thought, Something must have happen to Marianna.” 

Therefore, Leonard left the box with the excuse of going to the bathroom and dialed a number

On the other end of the line, someone cursed when the call was connected

Who the hell are you? Why do you call me now?” 

Yannick, how dare you,” Leonard said coldly

The man on the other end of the line gasped. Then, he was no longer arrogant and overbearing, and his voice became gentle

Mr. Santos, it’s you. Why do you call me?” 

Countless vicious gangsters were imprisoned in the Iron Penitentiary. Some people killed a family in a rage, and some were overweening and didn’t even take Griffinland seriously

Yannick was a heinous guy before he entered the Iron Penitentiary

He used his power to bully others and did all kinds of evil. Parasoly was his sphere of influence

Do you know the Rodgers family? Help me investigate Marianna of the Rodgers family and what happened in the family,” Leonard ordered

Leonard didn’t have a good impression of Yannick, an evil man

When Leonard went to prison, Yannick was imprisoned for ten years. If Leonard were not strong enough, he couldn’t suppress Yannick

Okay, Mr. Santos. You may rest a**ured. I will do everything you ask me to do properly.” 

Yannick was naked on the bed

After he hung up the phone, the woman beside him was curious. It was the first time she saw Yannick talking to others that way. She asked, Mr. Sinclair, who is on the other end of the line?” 

A guy I can’t afford to offend.” 

Yannick cursed

Leonard, the most terrifying man, has come to Parasoly. I have to restrain myself.” 

Thinking of the scene of being punished by Leonard in prison, Yannick couldn’t help but feel angry

Ten minutes later, Yannick put on his clothes and left the villa

Leonard turned around and saw Eileen looking at him not far away. Her eyes were beautiful

You also noticed something strange about Marianna, so you asked someone to investigate her, didn’t you?Eileen asked


Leonard nodded and asked, Why did you come out?” 

I followed you when I saw you going out. I wanted to talk to you about Marianna but didn’t expect you to notice that

The Rodgers family is powerful in Parasoly. Your friend must be cautious when he investigates the Rodgers family’s affairs. Otherwise, you may be in trouble,” Eileen reminded kindly

Don’t worry, the Rodgers family dare not to offend my friend.” 



Chapter 164 

Leonard smiled

Eileen couldn’t help but think about the information in Leonard’s words

There was a man in Parasoly who even the Rodgers family dared not to offend, but that guy was vicious

Leonard was rude when he called. How could that tyrant be reprimanded that way

Leonard walked toward the box. Seeing that, Eileen hurriedly followed

When they walked in side by side, many people couldn’t help but look surprised

Eileen had always given people the impression of being aloof, but she seemed close to Leonard

Those who didn’t know Leonard couldn’t help but feel suspicious

Even Matt felt uncomfortable

Marianna liked Leonard. It was said that Marianna rejected the marriage with Zavier, the eldest son of the Olsen family, because of Leonard. Moreover, Leonard was close to Eileen. Why

The mood of the birthday party was resolutely up. Someone closed the curtains and blew out the candles. Then, they cut 

the cake

Marianna’s cheeks were rosy. The atmosphere made her temporarily forget her worries

The girls next to Marianna couldn’t wait to open the gifts after Marianna agreed

Everyone’s gift was unique

Matt’s gift was opened. It was a diamond necklace, probably costing tens of thousands of dollars. It was valuable

Matt couldn’t help but stand straight proudly

At that moment, Lara picked up Leonard’s gift

She was curious about what Leonard, who lived in Shoal Manor, would send to Marianna

Marianna wanted to open it herself, but Lara took a step ahead. It was impossible to get the gift back

Wow, so beautiful!” 

When the box was opened, many girlseyes glittered

It was a crystal amethyst with a pair of wings carved on it. The wings were lifelike, and the gem was beautiful

I know it. It is Angel Wings carved by a master,someone said loudly

A look of surprise crossed Marianna’s face

Which girl could resist such a crystal gem

Many people present did not know Leonard. They looked at him in surprise

The Angel Wings was about 600 thousand dollars

Spending 600 thousand dollars on a gift showed that Leonard was financially strong

Is it handmade by a master? Who knows if a studio processes it?Matt said with jealousy when he was overshadowed

Marianna, let me help you put it on,” Lara said, holding the necklace

The gift is from Leonard, so Leonard should help Marianna put it on,” Anne said

That’s right!” 

Although Lara was lively and cheerful, she was not thoughtful in what she said and did


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