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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Leonard found himself surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

Brad, with a cigar in his mouth and a sinister grin on his face, said to Leonard, “Leonard, you have walked right into a trap. From the moment you entered this villa, your fate has been in my hands.

“Now, if you be humble to beg me and reveal all the secrets you have about the Elixir of Longevity. I might consider sparing your worthless life.”

Brad’s eyes looked like those of a spiteful wolf, gleaming with confidence as if he held all the cards.

He didn’t take Leonard seriously.

After all, Leonard came there

single-handedly. But Brad had a group of powerful bodyguards in his villa. Moreover, the middle-aged man behind Brad was also a man of stupendous power.

“People are insatiable, aren’t they? You haven’t had your fill with the Elixir of Longevity. You want more. But in the end, you won’t just have to give up the Elixir of Longevity. Your life will also be forfeit.”

Leonard shook his head in resignation and

sighed, his gaze like that of someone looking at a dead man.

“Sod. It seems like you don’t accept defeat until at the end of your rope.”

There was a menacing look in Brad’s eyes.

He signaled to his bodyguards.

The bodyguards immediately began closing in on Leonard.

All these bodyguards were at the Power Realm.

There were so many forces locked on Leonard. And in the face of such a show of force, an ordinary person would

immediately lose the courage to fight back.

However, Leonard had recently slaughtered several clan leaders in the Imperial City, including some masters of the

Transformation Realm and countless others in the Power Realm and Strength Realm. This situation was child’s play compared to what he had faced.

“Bastard, these bodyguards of mine are those whose hands are stained with blood. Originally, if you cooperated obediently, you would have avoided suffering physical pain.”

Brad’s cold voice sounded as he ordered his

subordinates, “Take him down for me.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of bodyguards simultaneously attacked Leonard.

“Hmph, you

have clearly overreached yourselves.”

Leonard smiled disdainfully

and threw a quick fist.

A terrifying force burst from his fist, fiercely slamming into the chest of the approaching



The man’s chest instantly caved in under the impact of the punch, and his body flew horizontally, knocking down the two companions behind him who couldn’t dodge in time.


Brad couldn’t help but furrow his brow.

He hadn’t expected Leonard’s strength to be so formidable.

Even the middle-aged man behind him. showed some surprise.

The remaining bodyguards weren’t deterred a bit by their companion being beaten away, tightened their grip on their weapons, and

lunged at Leonard.

Leonard had a hint of disdain in his eyes for the bodyguards who rushed over.

Having no intention of wasting time, he reached out and grabbed one of the bodyguard’s wrists, twisting it forcefully until the entire wrist was broken, revealing the white bone fragments.

Just as the opponent was about to let out a wail of agony, Leonard kicked him, sending him airborne.

Then, another punch landed on another man’s head.

With a loud sound, the opponent fell straight to the ground.


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