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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Leonard infused vital energy into Noam’s arm, and Noam’s arm visibly began to heal at an astonishing speed.

One minute later, Leonard released Noam’s arm and said, “The bones you broke should fully heal within ten days. As for your other arm, the injury isn’t severe. You can see a doctor for it.”

Upon hearing Leonard’s words, Noam was filled with shock.

When his fists collided with Leonard’s earlier, he felt like every bone in his arm. was shattered into pieces.

He had thought that arm was done for, but now he found it was starting to regain. mobility.

This was nothing short of miraculous, an almost supernatural ability.

Such abilities were only possessed by Ibrahim within the Galen Group.

It seemed that Ibrahim had passed down his most mysterious techniques to Leonard.

After Leonard finished speaking, he got into the car and drove away from the area.

As for Anthony, he left him to Noam to deal with. Leonard believed that Noam knew what to do.

The display of power today was enough to deter his thoughts of betrayal.

In this world, there was no absolute loyalty. It depended on whether the traitor could bear the cost of betrayal.

This was what Ibrahim told him.

Though Leonard didn’t entirely agree with the philosophy, it was fitting for someone like Noam.

Back at Shoal Manor, as soon as he opened the door, he heard a series of loud noises coming from inside, like an earthquake.

Rex’s face displayed alertness.

Leonard chuckled, saying, “No need to be nervous. It should be the big guy training.”

With that said, he then opened the door and walked in.

He indeed found Tony practicing boxing when he reached the basement, where the floor was covered in sand, as the punching bag had been broken. Many training equipment items were also severely damaged, and the floor was riddled with uneven surfaces.

Seeing this scene, Leonard couldn’t help but feel speechless.

“This guy, is he trying to demolish my house?”

“Who is this?”

Rex couldn’t help but look at Leonard with curiosity.

Tony’s imposing physique was quite intimidating, especially when he threw a punch that made the entire villa seem to tremble, which left Rex quite astonished.

“He is a new member I recruited. Want to spar with him?”

“Okay,” Rex said, itching for a challenge.

With that, Rex charged forward.

Tony, who had been practicing boxing, had already noticed Leonard and Rex’s arrival.

Upon seeing Rex charging at him, his eyes lit up with the excitement of a wild beast. He turned and threw a punch at Rex.


The two fists collided, creating a thunderous sound in the air.

Rex was pushed back several steps in an instant.

Tony immediately launched another attack.

Tony’s muscular physique didn’t appear clumsy at all.

Under his powerful fists, Rex might not be losing outright, but he couldn’t gain any significant advantage either.

It was important to note that Rex was currently in a much higher realm than Tony.

After a few minutes, Rex waved his hand and said, “That’s enough.”

“How was it?”

Leonard asked with a smile.

Rex sighed.

“Although his realm is lower than mine, with his naturally strong strength, if we were in the same realm, I might not withstand his attacks for ten moves.”

“He won’t spar with me. Will you spar with me instead?”


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