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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Leonard defeated the elder, middle-aged men, and young men of Claw Villa alone.

Now, they were wailing on the ground. Leonard was not as merciful in dealing with them as he was with Tony’s grandfather, and his every move was ruthless.

Those tough guys were crying from the pain.

After getting up, they looked at the

powerful killer coming out of nowhere with fearful eyes, not daring to rush forward again.

At this time, Tony’s grandfather stood up and said, “This is my guest. You all misunderstood.”

Leonard finally gained the approval of Tony’s grandpa. In an equal and friendly manner, he sat down opposite Tony’s grandpa and got himself a cup of coffee.

Those people who came to help but were beaten with bruises and swollen faces were too embarrassed to stay any longer. They left one after another.

However, an older man gave Leonard a thumbs-up before leaving.

To be honest, whether they admitted it or not, they were completely convinced by Leonard in their minds.

“I’m Leonard Santos. May I have your name?”

Leonard respected the older man quite a bit. He was not arrogant because he had won the battle just now.

Actually, it was completely understandable that anyone who saw his grandson serving as someone else’s subordinate would want to test whether the other person was qualified.

This was the same as choosing a son-in-law when marrying a daughter.

“It has dropped out of my head a long time ago. Just call me Ted,” Ted chuckled and said.

“You have unfathomable strength at such a young age. Could it be that you have reached the Godlike Realm?” Ted asked


Actually, it was not surprising that Ted would ask that.

Although Ted had not reached the highest level of the Grand Master Realm, he had few rivals in the same realm.

But Leonard beat him like he was a punching bag.

Ted knew Leonard had shown mercy. Otherwise, his body would have been torn apart.

Martial artists naturally respected the strong, especially the elderly. They spent the first half of their lives fighting on the battlefield. They laid low and softened their edges for the rest of their lives. But the things in their bones wouldn’t change.

Through chatting, Leonard learned that Ted was once a member of the General Army.

The king established the country. Later, he died of old age and was succeeded by the next generation.

The older men who were once at the king’s service retired to the mountains. Later, they called the village Claw Villa.

Leonard finally understood why there were so many masters in this small village.

Ted and Leonard talked for a long time. In the end, the grand ambitions, fame, and fortune were all reduced to a long sigh.

Leonard sincerely admired older people

like Ted.

They had made great contributions to

Griffinland and always held their beliefs in their minds.

After a conversation, Leonard gained some insights into the martial arts.

From Ted’s words, he learned about belief.

Martial arts should also have their own beliefs.

Ted made delicious food to entertain Leonard, and he said with a smile that his cooking skills were as superb as his martial arts skills.

Leonard had better martial arts skills, but Ted was better at cooking than him.

After the meal, Ted took Leonard’s hand and solemnly handed Tony to Leonard.

Leonard discussed some martial arts issues

with Ted.

Ted had been obsessed with martial arts all his life. He knew many things, which had greatly inspired Leonard.

In the evening, Leonard and Tony drove


Now, Tony officially followed Leonard.

After Leonard left, several older men of the village came to Tony’s house.


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