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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30

The three of them walked out of the restaurant, and slapping could be heard from a distance.

Gracia had a smile on her face, for she believed Leonard stood out for her.

But Albert looked a little down.

Just now, he listened to Leonard’s words and walked out with Leonard, which meant that he would never be able to return to Stitch–Face.

What should he do next? He was at a loss.

“Albert, this kind of life doesn’t suit you. Find a decent job.”

Hearing Leonard’s words, Albert smiled wryly.

“Leonard, I also want to find a job, but you know my situation.

“I dropped out of elementary school before I finished. I have no knowledge, no education, and no skills.

“I really don’t know what to do.”

Leonard couldn’t help but look at Gracia next to him.

“Gracia, does our company have a position suitable for him?”

“In Albert’s situation, few departments are suitable. But two departinents can employ him, the logistics and security departments.

“The security department lacks a captain, but I don’t know if Albert is willing…”

Hearing Gracia’s words, Albert nodded hastily. “Of course I am.”

“Okay. Then you can come to work tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Ms. Moreno.”

Albert was a bit excited.

“Don’t thank me. Thank Leonard. He is the boss of the company.”


Albert was surprised.

Albert had contact with some people among his cla**mates who graduated from elementary school and knew Leonard had been sent to prison three years ago.

And he thought that if Leonard had nowhere to go, he would let Leonard hang out with him.

Unexpectedly, Leonard was now the boss of the company.

But thinking about the situation in the restaurant just now, it seemed Jeff was cri ppled by Leonard a few days ago.

Albert didn’t know how Leonard had suddenly become so powerful.

Gracia had to return to the company for a meeting in the afternoon, and Albert also said goodbye to Leonard.

But just after parting with the two, Leonard received a call from Rex.

“Mr. Santos, my subordinates found out that Wilder and his family were having dinner at Harmony Restaurant today, and his uncle Larson was also there.”


Leonard hung up the phone and took a taxi to Harmony Restaurant.

Wilder didn’t listen to Leonard’s warning and even had a dirty mind for Kenia, so, of course, Leonard would teach him at lesson.

In the meantime, in the box of Harmony Restaurant.

The Cruz family was gathering together.

The middle–aged man with a gloomy face, sitting on the main seat, was Larson, Wilder’s uncle.

Next to him were Wilder and his parents.

Occasionally, wealthy people who also dined at Harmony Restaurant came to toast.

And from the beginning to the end, Larson sat on the main seat and never got up, just like a king-



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