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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37

However, for a woman who could make a name for herself in a place like the southern border where the good and the evil were mixed, it was conceivable how crafty she was

“Let’s go in,”

Waylon said with a sigh.

He was also uncomfortable with his humble attitude just now.

Even a powerful man could not crush a local bully. Here was their territory. What was more, Lindsy was Blood Rose, more terrifying than a local bully.

Leonard nodded.

They walked into the exhibition hall.

The gemstones displayed in this exhibition hall were all large pieces.

The gemstones, which could be offered at prices of hundreds of millions of dollars, should be impressive.

Accompanied by her subordinates, Blood Rose appreciated the gemstones.

They came in for half an hour. But as Arlie said, no one paid for any gemstones.

A group of people surrounded a big rock, pointing and discussing.

It was a piece of rough gemstone that was a head taller than a man.

A small cr ack was on the side, revealing a bright green color. It was a green diamond.

The green diamond was a rare jewel. Even a small karat of it fetched an absurdly high price.

And the above price of this gemstone was sky–high, a full 300 million dollars.

Waylon introduced. “This gemstone was the real treasure of Jarod’s halls.

“After he bought it, it has been kept here. Every year, rich people come to study it, but no one dares to buy it.”

Leonard felt the same. Three hundred million dollars was indeed not a small sum.

“Mr. Santos, do you want to study this rough gemstone?” Waylon asked in a


He noticed Leonard was eager to have a try.

Leonard nodded. “I plan to, but I don’t bring that much money.

“However, from my point of view, if this top gemstone is cut open, I will not suffer a loss.”

Leonard looked at the grain of the rough gemstone and made his own judgment.

Waylon was surprised.

“Do you want to cut this top gemstone open?”

To be honest, he was a little interested in it.

Leonard pointed to the top gemstone. “Look at the direction of its grain. From the cr ack, there are at least twenty pounds of diamond inside.

“And the cr ack is bright green. As for the green diamond of great transparency, its price is nearly 20 thousand dollars per


“Just one piece like this is worth 200 million dollars, and this piece only accounts for one–tenth of the gemstone. As long as the bottom is pure, it will immediately exceed the value of the rough gemstone.

“Well, it is just a jewelry appraisal, so it may be another story after it is cut.

“But according to the odds, it’s worth a try.”

When Leonard said this. Waylon’s eyes brightened.

If he bought this top gemstone, not to mention making a profit, he would wipe away his humiliation.

No one would dare to make fun of him as a negative example of jewelry appraisal.

While Leonard was talking, a man behind him quietly left. The man walked to Lindsy and whispered a few words to her.

When Lindsy heard this, she couldn’t help but look this way.

Chipie 27

Oh Waylon oin of his mind He finds a young men who talks big and now wants to buy the top gemstone. He will lose all his money

Lindy was contemptuous of hen

Even Jarod was not sure what the gemstone would be after it was but this young man dared to encourage Waylon to cut it. Was he eager to send money to Jarod

Although Waylon was interested in it. he soon dhewed embarra**mend

“Mr. Santos I only brought 30 million dollars this time. Even if I borrow some more from others, I can only make up 40 million dollars at most. The gemstone costs 300 million dollars. I don’t fume enough money

Leonard laughed when he heard this

“You don’t need to borrow from others. Thirty million dollars is enough

“Mr. Lambert, let’s take the top gemstone. You pay the bills while I pay for my efforts. As for the final profit, you only need to share 30% of it with me. How about it?”


Waylon frowned tightly, still a little dazed.

“Mr. Santos, if your words are true, I am willing to pay for it, but I still don’t understand why 30 million dollars is enough”

“Mr Lambert, you will know it soon”

Leonard laughed loudly

Arlie, beside them, couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Lambert, Mr. Santos, you have to be careful. The gemstone has been here for almost ten years, and no one dares to cut it.”

“Others dare not cut it, but I dare to.”

Leonard was in a good mood. He reached out to pat Arlie on the shoulder and then strode to other places.

After observing for a while, he pointed to one of the gemstones.

“I bought this one for 24 million dollars”

Hearing Leonard’s words, someone in charge soon came over.

“Sir, are you sure to buy this gemstone?”

There was hardly an order for Hall 1 for a year. Unexpectedly, someone placed an order so soon today.

Many people were attracted and gathered around Leonard.

Twenty–four million dollars was not a small sum.

“Mr. Lambert, pay the bill.”

Leonard said to Waylon

When Waylon walked over, many people started discussing immediately

Most of them came for Waylon today.

“I thought this young man was going to buy gemstones. It turns out that he is a jewelry appraiser invited by Waylon” “Waylon must have been fupid because of his defeat. He finds such a young man to help him appraise jewelry. Does he think his loss is not enough?”

“Yes. At such a young age, he is not sophisticated. He just came here and decided to buy the gemstone without observing much. I think Ke is a charlatan.”

Even though Arlie had seen Leonard’s ability, he was still worried. He said, “Mr. Santos, why don’t you take a closer look and don’t rush to buy

Lindsy laughed even more disdainfully, shaking her head, and said, “Mr. Lambert is unconvinced because he became a negative example of jewelry appraisal last year. He wants to set another record this year, but I wonder how much he will get back with 21 million dollars in the end.”

Leonard was too young. Even Jarod, the Crowned Jeweler at Leonard’s age, just followed a skillful jewelry appraiser to accumulate experience.

was known to all that Jarod was a genius in jewelry appraisal.

It was hard to convince others that Leonard was excellent at jewelry appraisal.

“A person cannot be judged by his appearance. I believe in Mr. Santos‘ ability to appraise jewelry. You guys are unaware of it at all,

Chapter 37

Whylon retorted

With that said, he handed over the check directly.


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