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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 

After Leonard looked at it for a while and was uninterested, he turned and walked outside

Cherry was about to accompany her, but Leonard told her to stay with her friends for a while longer

That was precisely what Cherry wanted, so she stayed

However, Beryl followed Leonard like an attendant

That made Jordan sullener

The money he won could not make him happy

I don’t know how that guy tricked Beryl.” 

Jordan complained of dissatisfaction

Leonard saved Beryl’s father. Beryl might be grateful to him.” 

Cherry said

In fact, she also felt that Beryl was too obedient to Leonard

In front of Leonard, Beryl seemed to have lost a mind of her own and was no longer the magnificent daughter of the Moreno family

Was it because Leonard saved her father? Or was there another reason

At that moment, someone next to Jordan spoke

Just now, you said something about medical skills. What’s that?” 

A young man and a young woman walked over

The woman was in a white dress, giving her a fair air

Many people present knew where she came from in an instant. She was from King Pharmacy

She was in the uniform of King Pharmacy

The man next to the woman was not outstanding in appearance. In fact, he looked ordinary. However, Cherry became somewhat respectful

The man was Paul Evans, the son of the Governor of Newden City

Being accompanied by the Governor’s son meant the woman was prestigious in King Pharmacy

Paul came over and took the initiative to introduce, This is Natalie Bailey, the daughter of the chairman of King Pharmacy. She is interested in the topic you discussed just now.” 

When Paul appeared, everyone present was cautious

Even Jordan, who used to be highspirited, restrained himself immediately

In Newden City, the Governor’s Mansion was known as the supreme power

Jordan’s family was not worth mentioning in front of Paul’s

Hearing Paul’s question, Cherry explained, The host of the Moreno family was hit by a car. He was ding but was saved.” 

Cherry told them what Leonard had done

Hearing that, Natalie became interested

King Pharmacy deals in medicinal materials, and some of our staff are proficient in medical skills. It is difficult for even the top doctors of King Pharmacy to save a dying man. I am curious about him.” 

He just went out for some fresh air.” 

Miss Bailey, you can just ask him.” 

A man said


Natalie nodded

She wanted to come in and take a look at gambling. When she heard that there was a genius doctor, she was not interested in gambling



Chapter 78 

Paul frowned

He felt that the name Leonardwas familiar

Paul studied abroad before and just returned to Newden City

Soon, they saw Leonard on the deck

A group of people walked toward Leonard in a mighty way to attract the attention of the people around

Are you Mr. Santos? I heard that you had cured a patient with heart disease. Can you tell me how you did it?” 

Natalie came over and asked directly

Leonard frowned

His treatment method was too weird to explain to others. Even if he could explain, how would he easily tell others about the miraculous lifesaving method

It was taboo to ask that way

No, I can’t.” 

Leonard said coldly

With that, he walked in the other direction, leaving a group of people on the spot

Beryl hurriedly followed Leonard but had a worried look

She recognized that the man beside the woman was the Governor’s son

Although Leonard was skilled, he was too arrogant

Wasn’t he making enemies for himself

The Moreno family was related to Leonard. What if others couldn’t deal with Leonard and vented their anger on the Moreno family

The Governor’s Mansion could destroy the Moreno family with a single sentence

Natalie became embarra**ed

She was beautiful. As the daughter of the chairman of King Pharmacy, she was proud

How dare Leonard treat her with such an attitude

Jordan and others were also shocked

Cherry was speechless

She wondered whether Reg would still sing high praise for Leonard if he knew that Leonard was so arrogant

After all, Reg had been working hard to maintain the relationship with the Governor

Leonard is so ignorant.” 

Standing next to Natalie, Jordan took the opportunity to make her angrier at Leonard

Paul didn’t speak, but his dark face showed he was not in a good mood


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