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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 

Eileen and her group decided to go out for a drive in the countryside

Leonard had no interest in joining them, so he excused himself

Many people sighed in relief. Clearly, they felt uncomfortable with Leonard, an outsider. Only Marianna showed a hint of regret

Rex’s car was already waiting downstairs

When Marianna and the other women stood by the window, they watched Leonard get into a milliondollar car and leave the community

A woman standing next to them couldn’t help but comment, Leonard must be a big shot. He even has a car to pick him up.” 

Hearing this, Marianna’s eyes lit up with joy. She quickly added, That’s right. He lives in Shoal Manor. He has many subordinates.” 

But compared to the Rodgers family, even the richest person in Newden City doesn’t stand a chance.” 

Eileen’s words discouraged Marianna

Marianna fell silent

Yes, not just Eileen and her group, but the rest of the Rodgers family would think the same

Newden City did not have many big shots

The fact that Leonard is valued by Miss Rodgers means he’s no ordinary man. But when Zavier comes to Newden City, Leonard might be brought down to earth. He might even meet a tragic end.” 

Kayla said this with a strange tone

For a moment, those who were surprised by Leonard’s status began to mourn for him

With me protecting him, I won’t let Zavier harm him.” 

Marianna announced loudly

Everyone sighed and said nothing

Their expressions said it all

Inside the car, Leonard sat in the backseat

Rex turned around and said, Mr. Santos, there’s a traitor in Mr. Clarkson’s company. They stole confidential information and attempted to defect. They have now escaped to Newden City and been caught by Mr. Clarkson’s men, but they’ve hidden the information. They’re fearless and won’t cooperate. Mr. Clarkson wants you to try and handle it.” 


Leonard nodded

As it was Ibrahim’s request, Leonard wouldn’t refuse

Moreover, he wanted to learn more about Ibrahim

Are we going there now?” 

Leonard asked

Rex shook his head

The one guarding the traitor is a subordinate of Mr. Clarkson. They don’t even trust me. I don’t know the exact location. I will drop you at your villa and then contact him

Once I confirm the location, I’ll come and pick you up.” 


Leonard nodded before closing his eyes to rest

In the afternoon

Leonard visited the Santos Group, but he didn’t inform the staff

He went up to the top floor alone to meet Gracia



Chapter 94 

He got a sense of the company’s current situation and left

The very next morning

After Leonard had practiced martial arts, he went to a local eatery for breakfast. He then prepared to go out and explore

Leonard had spent his entire educational life from elementary school to university in Newden City. This city was filled with his memories

He remembered stopping at the large food stall near his university. Back then, he was pursuing Emily. He had taken his allowance and treated Emily’s dormmates to dinner

But after that meal, he had to live on plain bread for the rest of the month. It made him think about how foolish he had 


At that moment, a call came in from Rex

Mr. Santos, where are you? I’m coming to pick you up now.” 

After telling Rex his location, Leonard put the phone in his pocket. He looked up, and he froze

He saw Emily, dressed in black, holding the arm of a middleaged man with chubby cheeks. They were walking toward him

Looking at how close they were, Leonard felt that they seemed like a couple. The man looked like he was in his forties and was quite unattractive

He had a gold chain around his neck and a small bag around his waist

Emily noticed Leonard. She instantly dropped her head, feeling guilty

She despised Leonard. If it weren’t for him, the Loftus family wouldn’t have kicked her out

Now, the last person she wanted to see was Leonard

After all, if she hadn’t run off and married Kylo but instead waited for Leonard outside

Leonard’s love for her would have spoiled her

Dennis, let’s turn around and leave,” 

Emily whispered to the chubby man

The man furrowed his brows


He noticed Leonard, who was standing there, staring intently at them. He asked coldly, Do you have a problem with him? Why are you afraid? I’m here for you.” 

As he spoke, the man gave Emily’s behind a firm pat

Emily nodded. He’s my exboyfriend. We have some disputes. Don’t provoke him. He’s not simple.

Emily’s words did not calm Dennis. Instead, it seemed to excite him more

He invested in real estate. Now he was worth billions. He even had a bunch of subordinates strutting around

Emily seemed to be saying that she felt inferior to her exboyfriend. Seeing that, Dennis snorted and said, Don’t worry. Today, I’ll show you that I’m not only impressive in bed.” 

With that, Dennis ignored Emily’s pleas and walked straight toward Leonard

Leonard naturally saw Emily and Dennis approaching

Seeing Dennis in a mighty rage, Leonard smirked. He asked, Emily, is this your dad? I don’t remember your dad looking like this.” 

Hearing Leonard’s words, Emily’s face turned red

Dennis was seething with anger at Leonard’s words

He felt that Leonard was clearly mocking his age


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