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From Heartbreak to Happily Ever After novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

Hester’s eyes widened as the realization dawned on her. Juan had figured out her identity, yet he had feigned ignorance

A pang of desolation washed over her, and she cast her gaze downwards

Melody shot Juan a reproachful look. What do you mean by that? I like Hester very much and would never let her be treated as such. Hester is dutiful and a delight to be around. I enjoy her company, so I want her to stay by my side for a few days. I won’t allow you to treat her like a servant.” 

Just then, Debra descended the stairs. Melody turned to her, resolve etched on her face. Not only will not allow you to treat her as a maid, but Debra can’t treat her as such either. Hester is here to take care of me and will only listen to my instructions.” 

Hester, already seated beside Melody, spoke softly. Mrs. Nichols Sr., the Nichols family has done so much for the Vargas family. I came to take care of you voluntarily, and I’m happy to look after both and Juan.” 

Melody patted her hand affectionately. Well said. You’re so sweet. How I wish you were my granddaughter.” 


Debra looked on, knowing that Melody didn’t just want a granddaughter. She wanted a granddaughterin- 


Juan, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents, suggested, Since you like Miss Vargas so much, it wouldn’t hurt to recognize her as a granddaughter.” 

Melody’s smile faded, and Debra came up. That’s a good idea. I totally support it,” 

What? No. Even if I wanted to, her mother wouldn’t agree. I just want Hester to stay with me.She patted Hester’s hand reassuringly

Debra sat down beside Juan and said, When I saw her just now, her appearance and manner didn’t seem like those of a maid. How old are you, Hester?” 

Hester blushed, lowering her head. I’m 19.” 

Debra raised an eyebrow. 19You should be at university. Which one do you attend?” 

Hester smiled, her eyes brightening. Arcane Academy.” 

Debra paused midsip, her tea cup hovering in the air. Juan furrowed his brows, a shadow passing over 

his face

Sensing the tension, Hester asked tentatively, Did I say something wrong?” 

Melody mistook Juan’s reaction for his thinking of Shelia and quickly explained, No, you didn’t. Juan used to sponsor a student from Arcane Academy.” 

Her curiosity piqued, Hester asked, Really? Juan, who was the student you sponsored? Was it one of my seniors?” 


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