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From Heartbreak to Happily Ever After novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230 

Michael scrutinized the two sets of documents Debra handed him. The information about Shella from Beaconridge High matched what he had described earlier, except for one glaring discrepancythe photo

I couldn’t remember wrong,Michael muttered, returning the documents to Debra. The only explanation is that someone swapped the photos of these two

Debra studied the documents, her mind racing

She needed to find a way to contact the girl in the photo

This was the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding Shelia’s true identity

Why are you so concerned about Shelia’s identity? Michael’s sudden question snapped her back to the 


Debra looked up, remembering the rumors circulating about the two of them. However, Michael didn’t seem worried at all

Should I organize a rigorous PR meeting now? Debra said, flipping through the documents. It’s just a rumor, after all. Besides, don’t you want a bit of scandal to boost your fame?” 

Michael froze, and Debra continued, Considering you’ve been focused on acting since your debut, with rarely any scandals to raise your profile, I thought I’d help you out.” 

Michael chuckled wryly. So, you think I need a scandal to boost my fame?” 

Isn’t that so?Debra said, meeting his gaze

Well, yes.Michael smiled

Juan has promised me to handle this scandal well. Once your fame rises, it won’t be affected by this rumor. You might gain more fans, and by the end of the year, you might even become an Alister.” 

Michael chuckled. That would be great, but” 

What’s wrong?” 

I heard Nichols Group’s media company is promoting Sean.” 

His words caused Debra to pause

Sean’s popularity is soaring lately, gaining millions of fans. Looks like he’s about to become Nichols Group’s pillar.” 

Debra looked up at him and asked, Do you think that’s a good thing?” 

Not necessarily,Michael replied meaningfully. After all, it was your idea to send him to the Nichols Group. Now, it seems like you were sending trouble to them.” 

Debra remained silent, her thoughts whirling. She hadn’t expected Sean to rise so quickly. In just a few months, he was almost ready to move up to the top tier 

But the more successful he became, the quicker the Nichols Group’s misfortune seemed to approach



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