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From Heartbreak to Happily Ever After novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 

Debra offered a faint smile. Alright, I’ll go with you” 

Joe stepped aside, allowing her to pass, and Debra followed him out. Halfway down the corridor, she paused and asked, Recently, has Miss Miles been try to to contact Juan

Joe nodded. Mies Miles did call me a few times, but as instructed by Mr. Nichols, I didn’t respond 

“I see,Debra said, a smile spreading across her 

So, Shelia was still trying to reach out to her financial feline 

Except for Juan, probably no one would come to her ad 

Sensing that Debra might have misunderstood the situation, Joe quickly explained. Mr. Nichols has indeed decided to cut ties with Miss Miles this time. Perhaps you didn’t know, but previously. Mr. Nichols only brought her to some events to make you jealous.” 

Debra waved a hand dismissively, her smile casual. You don’t need to explain. I already know.” 

Joe was stunned. He had sensed that Debra had changed somehow, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint Now, seeing her expression, he realized that the change stemmed from the fact that Juan no longer held the same significance in her heart

Under the cloak of night, Shelia slipped away from the party, making her way down a narrow, deserted alley. She remained cautious, ensuring she was fully concealed as she navigated the dark path

Reaching the storefront at the end of the alley, she nervously took out her keys and unlocked the door

The sharp voice of a woman echoed from inside the room. Who’s there?” 

The space was a large, dilapidated courtyard, with each room separated by thin partitions. Less than five square meters each, the rooms were pitch black at night Without a lamp, one couldn’t see anything even during the day 

Shelia cautiously stepped into the darkness. Places like these, rented for only five hundred dollars a month, were a rarity in Seamar City. Despite their deplorable condition, the poor scrambled to secure them, as the alternative was homelessness for their families

Hearing footsteps, the woman inside panicked and got down on her knees I really have no money. Please don’t beat me” 

Shelia, familiar with the room, switched on the light. The woman cowered in the commer, then looked up and saw Shelia’s face

Shelia was dressed in an expensive gown, her hair and makeup impeccable, almost unrecognizable from the girl she once was

The woman’s eyes lit up instantly. Shelia, you’re back. Please save me.” 

Clarissa Miles rushed forward in desperation, her hands reaching out to grasp her daughter 

Shelia pushed her away, a look of disgust on her face. She had grown up in this place, despising her mother and this home more than anything 

Chapter 233 


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