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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent (Anthea ) novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 

Totally agree! A task takes us at least three days, and even Master M can only manage one a day. How on earth could PhoenixYC knock out 10 in a single day?” 

Thumbs up to the post above! Phoenix YC is just a team player!” 

Agree! Shameless team players!” 

It was human nature to harbor a bit of jealousy

When someone surpassed the perceived limits of humanity and achieved extraordinary success, the kneejerk reaction was to deem it false with some trickery

After all, in the tech world, the esteemed and formidable Master M could only wrap up one standard task per day. 

Yet here came Phoenix YC, averaging staggering ten tasks a day

For the past three years, not a soul in the tech realm had come close to sharing the spotlight with Master M. 

And now, Phoenix YC burst onto the scene with these unbelievable accomplishments

It was just too good to be true, definitely a sham

So naturally, everyone felt that this suspect was spot on in their assessment

The forum erupted into chaos

PhoenixDamon said, Are you jealous? Since when did everything become about the team? This is the tech world, not some celebrity fan club! Phoenix YC doesn’t need a team, nor marketing stunts!” 

Phoenix InfinityAeon echoed, Accusing PhoenixYC without a shred of proof! How dare you!” 

Phoenix BreakdownBuddy said, Somebody’s insulting PhoenixYC! Where’s the Phoenix family? Crush these sourpusses!” 

Since Phoenix YC’s last groundbreaking victory, they’ve amassed a legion of fans and even founded the Phoenix family. Anyone with Phoenixin their ID was a family member

The family now boasted over ten thousand loyalists

As both sides dug in their heels, the forum debates raged on

Daniel jumped into the fray, adopting the ID Phoenix Robinson and enlisted in the Phoenix, family

After a hearty round of forum bickering, he opened a chat window, Don’t sweat the forum trash talk! We believe in you!” 


Anthea was confused.. 

Realizing PhoenixYC likely didn’t care about such trifles, Daniel added, Master, you’ve been tackling all these side tasks lately. Won’t it affect your work on the OS?” 

Phoenix YC answered, Those tasks were done in my spare time on my phone. They won’t interfere with the OS. It’ll be delivered on schedule, no worries.” 

When Daniel read the response, he was gobsmacked

He thought, If the greeneyed tech gurus on the forum saw that PhoenixYC was breezing through tasks in his spare timeand on a phone no less, how would they feel?” 

Meanwhile, Anthea had just polished off her spaghetti when the restaurant buzz picked 

  1. up

Many customers who had savored the succulent roasted rabbits and mouthwatering wings at lunch were back for seconds, drawn by the tantalizing flavors and the lure of discount coupons. Before long, a line formed at the door

While the lunch rush had been good, they hadn’t expected an evening queue

Carole was stunned. She never imagined their opening day would boom like this

By 8:30 PM, they’d sold out of their entire stock. To make up to those who missed out, Anthea handed out cards

With that card, customers could claim a free serving of spicy chicken wings the next day

Anthea might be a tech tycoon, but she knew how to draw a crowd

More importantly, she wasn’t afraid to take a loss

In business, you have to give to get

Carole tallied up the day’s takings


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