In the sprawling suburb of Cloudcrest, where teenagers' dreams revolved around the hallowed halls of its 256 high schools, Philip was a legend. Not only did he routinely snatch the title of valedictorian at his school, but his academic prowess was also unmatched across the entire district.
But even the all-time greats hit rough patches, and everyone knew the most recent finals were a beast. Still, our boy genius Philip really aced it. His brilliance was undeniable.
Waldron slammed his hand down on the table. "Mark my words, the title of top scholar in this town is going to be Anthea's, no doubt about it." he declared, confidence oozing out of him like syrup on hotcakes. "Anthea's light-years ahead of Philip."
Bain rolled his eyes at Waldron's bravado. "Daydreamers, all of you," he muttered dismissively.
Undeterred, Waldron shot back, "The only daydreamer here is you, my friend."
Bain couldn't be bothered to argue further. After all, the truth would reveal itself soon enough, come the day of the SATs.
Later that evening, after school had let out, Anthea strolled down Main Street with her best friends, Tanya and Lizzie, heading towards Yeager's Delicacies, the local hotspot that Anthea's family owned. The diner was buzzing with activity as they approached, and outside, a line of eager customers stretched down the block.
"Holy smokes, Annie. Your family's joint is popping." Lizzie exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder, "It's even busier than the rave reviews online."
Anthea, beaming with pride, linked arms with her friends, "Well, there's been a major online discount campaign lately. Come on, let's cut through the crowd."
As they neared the entrance, the enticing aroma of freshly baked pies and sizzling burgers filled the air. But suddenly, Lizzie's steps faltered as her gaze landed on a middle-aged couple in line ahead of them. The man had his arm lovingly wrapped around the woman's waist, and despite her mature appearance, she was dressed to the nines, punctuating their intimacy with a peck on his cheek.
"What are you looking at, Lizzie?" Anthea said, turning around with a puzzled look. When Lizzie didn't respond, Tanya waved a hand in front of her face, "Hello, Lizzie?"
Snapping out of her daze, Lizzie managed a weak smile, "Nothing, it's nothing. Let's just go in and eat."
Still, Anthea couldn't shake her concern, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Lizzie insisted, brushing off Anthea's worries.
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