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Get you in my arms novel Chapter 214

On hearing that, the handsome man took back his whisky in a hurry and ordered her a cup of soda.

They talked and drank, and soon came to the point.

"How about going to my place tonight?" He asked frivolously.

"Screw you!" A voice interrupted her.

Frightened, she turned her head and saw a tall, furious figure standing in front of her. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the chair.

"Let me go!" She struggled desperately, but she couldn't break free. A French handsome man rushed over and stood in front of them. "Hey, who are you? Let her go! "

"I am going to take my woman home and feed our baby. Do you have any problem with that?" Lucas's tone seemed careless, but there was a chill in it that made her shiver.

The French handsome man got out of the way and gave a very a strange look as if she was a bad mother.

Eva had the urge to hit the tofu pudding. She lifted her foot and kicked hard at his legs and stomach. As soon as he pulled her into his arms, he bent over to grasp her legs and carried her on his shoulder.

"Let go of me! What right do you have to control me?" She screamed, waving her two little fists to hit him on the back, but he ignored it and strode out of the bar and threw her into the Maybach.

Silence was the only color in the car along the way.

She curled up in the car seat with her arms around her knees and turned her head to the window, deliberately ignoring him. He focused on driving and didn't seem to talk to her.

The car didn't drive into the manor, but stopped in the lavender garden nearby.

"Get off the car." He ordered.

"What?" She was taken aback. Was he going to "punish" her in the wild? Because the sound in the villa was too loud?

He seemed to be impatient to answer her question. He got into the car, grabbed her wrist and dragged her out.

"You can't touch me again!" She shook off his hand and hugged the back of the chair.

"If you don't come out, you may have the chance." An evil light flashed through his eyes, which scared her to get out of his car at once. If he really wanted to "teach" her, how could he possibly separate her from the car.

He sat down on the hood and gestured for her to sit next to him. She breathed a sigh of relief when she smelled no wine from him.

"How did you find me?" She jumped off the hood and glanced at him sourly.

"I can always find you if I want to." He shrugged.

"Hey, there's a night club in the city. Are you serious?" She couldn't think of other ways except that he was as smart as superman.

Of course, she was right. He scanned the map and checked nine night clubs, and finally found her. However, he only needed one time which took him so much time and effort. He decided to install a GPS Tracker in her cellphone so that he could know exactly where she went next time.

Lucas was silent, seeming to acquiesce in her guess. Eva was a little excited. Except Nil, there was no one else who cared about her like this.

The strong fragrance of lavender flowed in the night wind, just like the thick fog that was difficult to dissolve. It was more like a pot of daughter red from many years, which made people slightly drunk.

She felt dizzy after she sucked a mouthful of it and asked, "why not go home? It's late now? She said.

He smiled slightly and looked up at Eva.

In the late summer, the sky was crystal clear, and clouds floated in the sky. A milky way brushed the night sky like Simon. Two bright stars were on the opposite side of the Milky way.

"Do you know what day it is today?" He asked slowly.

"What day?" She pouted. Was it his birthday?

"Today is the seventh year's Eve, the eastern Valentine's day." He said in a low voice.

"Who is he?" She raised her eyebrows slightly. There were only three years' memories in her mind, not to mention the local customs and culture of the other country.

He held her hand and pointed to the brightest star in the horizon. Slowly, he connected the twinkling star around it with his own hand and drew a silver shuttle in the sky. "The brightest star is the weaving female star, and this five card is a tool to sweater the clouds." Then he led her hand to the star that was looking at the opposite side of the Milky way, and said, "this is Mr. wolf, the husband of Mrs. wolf. The two little stars around him are their children, and he carried them by his shoulder. Because their love was not permitted, the emperor drew out a milky way to separate them. Every year, they could only meet on the day of seven nights. "

A gust of breeze blew away the clouds in the sky, and a new moon rose from the shore of the galaxy. The bright light made the whole galaxy have no lust, as if it had disappeared in the sky. Perhaps at this time, a boy and a girl could meet again.


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