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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138

“You’re the one who lost his mind! Dorothy had me kidnapped! Aren’t you the toughest guy in Ocean City? Why can’t you even handle a woman? Do you believe her that much? Do you know who she gave her virginity to?”

“Olivia, have you had enough? Are you framing Dolly again? She was in the hospital when you were kidnapped. How could she have planned it?”

John grabbed Olivia by the shoulder, shook her, and asked, “How can you doubt her when she has been so kind and worrying about you? Olivia, you are hopeless!”

Olivia suddenly calmed down and smiled a self-deprecating smile.

“John, you’re so blind.”

With that said, she looked up at John in despair, tears in her eyes. “If she kills me one day, will you scold me at my grave? Will you say, Olivia, you were so wicked that you found trouble with Dolly. You deserve to die!”

John stiffened as his anger was somehow calmed.

“Olivia, you’re being ridiculous!”

He warned, letting go of her shoulders and turning to walk out.

“Behave yourself!”

Losing her support, Olivia collapsed to the floor and coughed violently.

She covered her mouth with her hand as a rush of warmth came up. She knew it was blood without even looking.

She had no idea how much blood she had left to shed or how much time she had left.

Olivia looked down and touched her belly.

“My baby, I’m so sorry for giving you an uncertain future. I don’t even know if you’ll be born healthy.”

With that said, Olivia began to cry as if there was no end to her tears.

After the Maybach drove for some time, John suddenly said, “Go to Golden Hills Apartment.”

“Why are we going there, sir?”

“Ask the nurse to take care of Olivia at Cliffside Villa.”



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