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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165

At that time, Olivia was so frightened she clung to Uncle Wallace and bawled her

eyes out.

Instead of stopping the blood flow, Uncle Wallace ignore the gaping wound on his calf and comforted her gently instead.

And, it was also because of that that Uncle Wallace had missed out on the perfect window of time for a full recovery, causing him to still have a little limp on his right foot after all these years.

However, to prevent Olivia from feeling guilty, Uncle Wallace would cover his scar by wearing long pants all the time.

Also, every time he was with her, he would be like any other perfectly normal person and would walk with no limp.

Uncle Wallace did not say anything about it, but it did not mean that Olivia had forgotten.

Olivia was crying so hard she was hyperventilating. She hung onto Zac’s arm and forced herself to stand. She wobbled her way over to the other side of the body.

eyes on

She gritted her teeth hard when she opened the white cloth. When she laid Uncle Wallace’s face, she closed her eyes painfully as tears continued to flow down

her cheeks.

Olivia was crying so hard for a while all she saw was darkness as she fell backward, straight into Zac’s arms.

“Liv, shall we…”

“No… I want to keep Uncle Wallace company for a while longer.”

Olivia forced herself to stand on her feet and knelt beside the fridge drawer. “Uncle Wallace, I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry…”

It was like there was a huge rock on her chest, causing her to have difficulty breathing.

Olivia clenched her fist tight and slammed it again and again onto her own chest. Every time she wept, her brain would lack oxygen, causing her to black out.

“Uncle Wallace… Uncle Wallace…”

Uncle Wallace doted on her since she was a child.

Even if Uncle Wallace was merely a butler and a servant of the Larson household in the eyes of others, he was like a grandfather to Olivia in her heart, and he was the grandfather figure that Olivia had in her life.

But now, Uncle Wallace was dead. It was another one of her family leaving her


Olivia was not afraid at all as she reached out to grab Uncle Wallace’s bloated hand. I’ll avenge you, Uncle Wallace!


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