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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167

The man at the other end of the line was slightly irritated, and he sounded more aggressive as he asked, “Olivia Larson, have you forgotten about your identity?”

“No, and I wouldn’t dare to.”

“Olivia Larson!”

She had no energy to continue pestering John, so she hung up the call and then switched off her phone.

Zac was stunned. “Johnny?”


“Is he looking for trouble? Should we just forget about the meal and send you home?”

After what happened, Zac was aware of how John treated Olivia, and he could not help but be slightly worried.

Especially since whenever he was involved, John would get even more pissed than usual. That was why he dared not contact Olivia for such a long time.

“It’s fine.”

Olivia pursed her lips and took a sip of water. “Mr. Quinton, don’t be so nervous. I was already determined to be guilty the moment I stepped outside, so it doesn’t matter how long I’ll be outside for.”

“I’m just worried that he might hurt you.”

“I’m used to it.”

‘Used to it…” This phrase gave Zac a heartache.

‘How strong must she be deep down to be able to get used to all of this?”

Even when her heart was torn apart, she had to pretend not to care as she faced the man she loved.

“Mr. Quinton, do you think that I caused me and Johnny’s poor relationship?”

After saying that, she looked up and asked, “Do you think I actually betrayed him two years ago?”

“I believe you.”

Those three words were short, but they warmed her heart.

She had never asked for anything except Johnny’s trust.

Sadly, that man was possessed by Dorothy’s curse and never believed her for even a second.

No matter how much she explained, all of her words were in vain.


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