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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175

“John, why are you asking me if you’re certain I killed Uncle Wallace?”

John reached out to pinch Olivia’s jaw as he stared into her eyes coldly. “Olivia, are you confessing your crime now?”

“Why would I kill someone who treats me so kindly like Uncle Wallace?”

“You have a reason to kill him. You cheated on me!”

Olivia looked into John’s eyes blankly and laughed after a few seconds.

“Cheated on you?”

She thought she was ridiculous.

It was already beyond her expectation.

Even though she had explained it so many times, John chose not to believe her and still claimed she cheated on him.

However, what about her?

It hurt her every time. The pain felt like her heart had torn apart.

“Johnny, are you insane?”

“Olivia!” He roared.

Olivia said wryly, “Why would you always want me to cheat on you if you aren’t insane?”

John squinted his eyes and looked at Olivia like he wanted to rip her face off.

However, Olivia was not afraid of dying. She was already halfway to death.

“Maybe you’re just looking for an excuse for keeping Dorothy as your mistress. You cheated on me because I cheated on you, right?”

John pushed her away suddenly. “I’m not a sl*t like you!”

“Stop the car!”

John opened the door when the driver stopped the car and pushed her out.


Olivia did not manage to react and rolled out of the car. She subconsciously protected her belly, afraid the fall might hurt her baby.

A low, cold voice sounded above her. “Olivia, go home yourself since you think I’m crazy.”

Then, she heard the door slam shut and the car speeding away.

Olivia sat on the ground and carefully touched her belly. Fortunately, there was no pain, and her baby should be fine.


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