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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201

After Zyla finished picking up the glass shards on the floor, she turned to look at Olivia, who was on the bed.

When she saw her thin shoulders shaking, she knew that Olivia was crying again.

She sighed helplessly. She walked out to give Olivia some space.

However, when she got to the door, Olivia suddenly said, “Zy.”

Zyla’s body shook, and she froze, rooted to the spot.

This was the first time Olivia had addressed her so affectionately in their long time of knowing one another.

Zyla was touched, and she gingerly turned around.

At this moment, Olivia sat up from the bed. Her eyes were red from crying, and her lips were pursed. “Zy, I’m sorry.”

“S-Sis Liv…”

Zyla was so nervous that her palms were sweating, and her eyes were staring blankly at Olivia.

‘Does she finally recognize me?’

Olivia wiped her tears and forced a smile. “Can I call you that, Zy? Is it be a little rude?”

“N-no, it’s fine.”

“Look at you. Why are you standing there like that?” Olivia licked her dry lips. “I didn’t mean to order you around so sternly just now. You can’t afford to offend someone like John. I don’t want you to become a target to him.”

She was telling the truth.

Olivia knew John’s tactics.

He would never spare Zyla for going against him so brazenly, and combined with Dorothy the sh*t-stirrer’s presence, Olivia was concerned about Zyla’s safety.

Besides Zac, Zyla was the only one who had been by her side throughout all of this.

When Zyla heard this, her brain finally registered what was going on. A flash of desolation flashed across her eyes, but she sat down on the bed with a grin.

“Sis Liv, you don’t have to keep apologizing to me. I never think you’re to blame.

“And you sound so sweet when you call me Zy. I like it. Sis Liv, can you call me that again?”

Olivia touched Zyla’s nose with a grin. “Zy, you’re so cheeky.”


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