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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206


Olivia was slightly taken aback. She had never heard about Zac having a fiance, so

she was a little surprised for a while.

“You’re Mr. Quinton’s fiance?”

“Yeah. Didn’t Zac tell you?”

Olivia shook her head. “Sorry. I don’t ask about Mr. Quinton’s personal affairs.”

This was true.

She and Zac only met because of John, and they would only look into cases when they were together.

However, she could see a hostility in Rainie’s eyes, the kind of hostility that women had toward a rival in love.

She smiled. “Ms. Jameson, there’s nothing going on between Mr. Quinton and me, so don’t listen to those reports.”

Upon hearing that, Rainie smiled lightly and took Olivia’s hand. “Mrs. Freeman, I never doubted you. Don’t be so nervous. Additionally, you’re married, so of course there’s nothing going on between you and Zac.”

After that, Rainie sighed. “But we have met before. You invited me to your eighteenth birthday. Have you forgotten?”

Olivia felt like the name Rainie Jameson was familiar.

After all, the Jameson family had some status in Ocean City, but this person’s appearance did not ring a bell in Olivia’s head.

“Sorry. I’ll remember you the next time.”

“Zac and Mr. Freeman have such a good relationship, so we’ll definitely have more chances to meet in the future. By then, I’ll be around you so much that you will

definitely remember me.”

Olivia pursed her lips and nodded awkwardly. “I remember now.”

“Sure. I’ll leave first as I still have some things to take care of. We’ll talk again after you’re discharged from the hospital.”



After Rainie left, Olivia hesitated at the door for a while. In the end, she decided not to go in.


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